WHILE IMPORTING products from overseas can be more complex than exporting, you can build wealth in importing if you follow some simple rules. Here they are.
Five Simple Rules to Start Importing
- Import specialty items instead of mass-produced products. Why? Because there’s less competition when you sell specialty items in your home market.
- Import higher-priced items instead of low-priced items. Why? Because you’ll earn more on each sale of a high-priced product, increasing your income.
- Import items you can sell to the business market, instead of the consumer market. Why? Because you’ll have surer sales results when you deal with business customers, as compared with ‘’the person in the street.”
- Import items for which you can get an exclusive market. Why? Because you’ll have less competition and customers will beat a path to your door to buy from you.
- Learn what you need to get started in importing from a comprehensive course like International Wealth Success’s Export-Import Business Success Kit.
IW$ Offers All the Knowledge and KNow-How You Need to Succeed Massively in Import/Export Business . . .
IWS-75 : The IWS Directory of U.S. Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions Worldwide
K-17 : The IWS Export-Import Success Kit
K-37 : The IWS Finder’s World Business Success Kit
IWS-99 : The IWS Finder Fundamentals Master Guide
IWS-58 : The IWS Guide to How to Be an International Business Agent
IWS-55 : The IWS Finders International Network Directory
IWS-41 : The IWS Directory of Industrial Reps of Overseas Countries and Overseas Buying Reps
IWS-15 : The IWS Directory of Freight Forwarders and Customs House Brokers
Putting Your Strategy Into Action
HERE’S A REAL-LIFE EXAMPLE OF THIS STRATEGY for importing. It works wonders for this importer. This BWB:
- Imports large, hand-made sailing ship models of famous ships from overseas. They are Specialty Items because they are large, they are hand-made and they appeal to many different business customers. A typical model is 3-feet long, 2-feet high.
- These sailing-ship models of famous vessels, such as the Constitution, Nelson’s flagship, the Victory, the Coast Guard Training Ship, the Eagle, the Bounty, of the famous mutiny, the Clipper Ship Cutty Sark, etc., are well-known to business customers. You don’t have to explain the ship’s history!
- Hotels, motels, restaurants, business offices and similar groups order these models in quantities of 50, 75 and 100 at a time. Since the models are priced at several hundred to a few thousand dollars each, the sales generate significant revenue for this importer. And when a business orders a group of models they stay with the order, and do not change their mind on a whim, such as consumers might do. Business Purchasing Agents know what they want and are ready to pay for it!
- This importer has exclusive rights to these models. Hence, he has little, or no, competition. When a business needs decorative sailing-ship models they come to him for them.
USE THESE TIPS FOR YOUR IMPORTING and you’ll find that your business will grow, and prosper, along with your bank account!
K-17 : The IWS Export-Import Success Kit
The IWS Export/Import Success Kit (Product K-17) is one of IW$’s flagship offerings that clocks in at over 2,000+ pages! This comprehensive kit shows you how to make money in export/import in today’s product-hungry world and takes you from your first day in the business toward great success.
Even better, get International Wealth Success’s Export-Import Business Success Kit so you can get started now in importing AND exporting!