
IWS-16 : Can You Afford Not To be a Millionaire?


The answer to the question, which is also this astounding book’s title, Can You Afford NOT to be a Millionaire?, is simply No, you cannot afford to not be a millionaire for the simple reason that there are so many incredible opportunities around you that you merely must notice and you’d be a fool not to take advantage of them! And with this clever classic from the inimitable Tyler G. Hicks, you will be well on your way to wealth and millionaire status because he will show you everything you need to know about

  • international trade,
  • business/office requirements,
  • promotional materials,
  • using worksheets,
  • starting a company overseas,
  • metric measures,
  • profit structure
  • and much more.


The answer to the question, which is also this astounding book’s title, Can You Afford NOT to be a Millionaire?, is simply No, you cannot afford to not be a millionaire for the simple reason that there are so many incredible opportunities around you that you merely must notice and you’d be a fool not to take advantage of them! And with this clever classic from the inimitable Tyler G. Hicks, you will be well on your way to wealth and millionaire status because he will show you everything you need to know about

  • international trade,
  • business/office requirements,
  • promotional materials,
  • using worksheets,
  • starting a company overseas,
  • metric measures,
  • profit structure
  • and much more.


When you go to bed at night, other nations get up to have breakfast.

When you are off for the weekend, other nations work.

When you dress for winter, other nations prepare for summer.

The world never rests! Activity goes on day &night, year in, year out!

It was calculated that a minimum of 155,000 business transactions of one kind or the other take place every SECOND in the world, 24 hours a day.

You pass a million dollar opportunity every single day of your life!

Gone are the days of searching, probing and hoping to make a million by trial and error.

Most people in this world do not have a fortune to try out an idea, or business venture. They must work — and work hard for a living. They cannot take a chance.

I shall, through the pages of this book, take you along the route to become a millionaire! It took me years of work before I found the key to total success. I HAD to go through every single experience, good and bad, to be prepared to find the key. Of all the things I learned in school, including university, none were of any help to me along the path of my professional life. Even my foreign mother tongue was totally useless. In my professional life I lived in five countries, each time learning the local language. Never did I benefit professionally from my language knowledge because, wherever I was, whomever I talked to, only one language was ever used: ENGLISH.

After a complete failure in trying to run my own business in my early twenties, I took up employment with large corporations. With each employment, I had to move thousands of miles to a new country or city. Over the years I worked my way up the corporate ladder. At age 33 l became Vice-President, Marketing of a subsidiary. A few years later I was Chief Operating Officer of a multinational group of companies. Was I on the way to a total success, financial independence, Master of my own Destiny? Absolutely not! On the contrary, I became more and more dependent on the life-line of the monthly pay-check, a slave to the system that owned me, my family, my life. Like hundreds of thousands of people, I also asked myself: “What is it that incapacitates me to really make it in life? I seem to be running around in circles. Life seems so complicated, independent success so difficult to reach. Somehow it must be EASY. But, how on earth is it done?”

For years I wondered if I would ever find the answer to that question. I did, in the most unexpected way and in the most unexpected circumstances: reading a letter for someone else while flying above the Atlantic Ocean.

One sentence in that letter gave me the answer and changed my life, then and there.

I immediately resigned from a highly paid job to totally plunge into what I knew would certainly make me a millionaire AND the Master of my own Destiny.

What I learned in all those years, dealing with hundreds of people, making high-level decisions, running a multi-million dollar corporation, was simply this:

  1. It does not take a university diploma. On the contrary, I am totally convinced that most people would be much better off without it. For my “Millionaire Syndrome” approach to success, a diploma is totally useless.
  2. High level of experience? Is it necessary? Absolutely not!

I wondered whether or not it would be EASY. Not only did it turn out to be easy, but very SIMPLE as well.

Since I made my big step in the right direction, I often wondered why THOUSANDS, or better even, TENS OF THOUSANDS of people are still seeking and have not yet found the key to independent success!

One year after I had taken the big step, I had made it. By then Iwas 38 and owned a $325,000 home, 5 luxury cars, including a Bently and a Maserati, business interests, real estate investments, and more. At first, I was not willing to reveal my secrets for fear of loosing out myself. I had overlooked a very dynamic phenomena, and now I know that the more determined people follow my steps, the more EACH will benefit and, instead of only being citizens of this wonderful country, those that follow the steps will become PARTNERS in the World’s Most Powerful Economy.

Before you go on reading, you must know what it takes to achieve total independent success.

It only takes one thing: YOU.

Nobody has and nobody ever will give or bring Independent Success or wealth to you on a silver platter. Only one person on this earth can do it: YOU.

And, there is absolutely nothing to prevent you from doing it. You can blame no one, ever, for not succeeding, except yourself.

It does not take money or education, it takes:

DETERMINATION. You must say to yourself: I sincerely want to become a millionaire. Repeat it slowly at least once a day in front of a mirror.

PERSEVERANCE. You will never succeed if you say to yourself: maybe I will. Instead say: I can do it. Repeat it often. Those who succeeded have always said “I can do it!” Never give up.

BELIEF. Nothing, absolutely nothing can stop you from becoming an independently successful millionaire. Believe in yourself, put all the trust into yourself and you can move mountains.

NOTHING, and I repeat, NOTHING is difficult in your way to independent success. Believe in yourself, persist, and be determined.

Do you know that while you read this far, another million dollar opportunity went past you!

Get Can You Afford Not To be a Millionaire? now and become the person you want — and need — to be. You CAN do it!


Additional information


Hicks, Tyler G.


Ebook (PDF)




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