This invigorating money-making manual by the inimitable Tyler G. Hicks shows both beginning and experienced real estate wealth builders
- how to get pre-foreclosure and post-auction properties at low cost,
- how to finance any income property,
- smart steps to getting a down payment loan,
- using options to control property,
- smart mortgage methods,
- finding valuable abandoned properties,
- and more.
It is almost one-hundred pages of absolute know-how, instruction, and money-making insight.
REAL ESTATE IS BOOMING TODAY! Rents are higher than ever before in history. Properties are selling at prices never even dreamed about a year ago. So how can you get in on this mega-boom nini the world’s best borrowed-money business? Here’s how:
- Decide what type of property you’d like to own. You have these choices:
(a) Multi-family residential such as apartment houses;
(b) office buildings;
(c) commercial buildings (stores);
(d) industrial buildings (factories) - Look in your area for the type of property you want. Do this by watching local papers for properties for sale, contacting real estate brokers and joining the local real estate owners association and attending its meetings.
- Try to meet owners of property in your area. Focus on older property owners who might be thinking of retiring in a year or two. They could be your ticket to real estate wealth — no mater what your credit rating.
- Become friends with older owners. Why? Because the longer they know you, the more likely they are to think of you as a buyer when they decide to retire. You wil be their first choice to sel to if you convince them of your sincerity, strong work ethic and dependability.
- Concentrate on getting zero-down properties. Such properties can take you from almost zero assets to assets worth several hundred thousand dollars with little more than your signature on a few pieces of paper.
- Focus on positive-cash-flow properties. Do NOT accept any negative-cash-flow properties unless you can see a clear and simple way to convert the property to a positive cash flow “cash cow” within a short time.
- Emphasize your skils and reliability when talking ot older property owners. Show them how you can provide them with a steady, dependable monthly cash flow fi they sel their property to you with zero cash down at their asking price. Point out that you won’t haggle on price; you’ll pay their asking price if you can get the property with zero cash down payment!
DON’T BALK AT THE WORK YOU MUST DO TO WOO OLDER SELLERS. The work you do wooing older sellers can pay off handsomely — saving you down payment money of anywhere from $25,000 to $300,000, or more.
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