
IWS-210 : The IWS Directory of Commercial Banks In the United States

Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $16.00.

State-Chartered & Federally Chartered Commercial Banks Insured By The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation provides a complete snapshot of Commercial Banks in the United States. More than 5,250 banks are represented. Institutions are sorted by state. Each entry contains bank name, address, and website. In many cases, branch offices are included.


State-Chartered & Federally Chartered Commercial Banks Insured By The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation provides a complete snapshot of Commercial Banks in the United States. More than 5,250 banks are represented. Institutions are sorted by state. Each entry contains bank name, address, and website. In many cases, branch offices are included.


Commercial banks are financial institutions, licensed by the state in which they are located (state-chartered) or by the Federal government (federally chartered). Commercial Banks accept deposits, make loans, and offer related services. Services and specialization can vary from one bank to another. For example, a bank may specialize in business loans, credit cards, consumer loans, commercial loans, community development, mortgages, agricultural finance, or international trade.

State-chartered vs. Federally Chartered. State-chartered banks operate exclusively within the state in which they are licensed, reporting to their state department of financial institutions. They cannot open branches outside of the state. Federally chartered banks are licensed to operate in any state. Both types of charters permit banks to accept customers from all states, regardless of the customer’s location.

Community Banks and Savings and Loans. FDIC-insured Community Banks and Savings and Loan Institutions are subsets of this group. They are included in this directory.

The simplest way to learn more about any bank in the list or to contact the bank is to visit the website displayed in its directory entry. Most bank websites have a “Contact Us” page with details. Alternatively, check a phone directory at your local library or write directly to the bank at the address displayed in this book.

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Hicks, S. David, IWS


Ebook (PDF)




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