
IWS-37 : The IWS Guide to How to be a Second Mortgage Loan Broker


The IWS Guide to How to be a Second Mortgage Loan Broker by R. Briskey gives the reader step-by-step methods for developing his/her business as a second mortgage broker. This comprehensive, yet easy-to-read-and-put-into-action, manual covers

  • money sources,
  • operating without a license,
  • finding clients,
  • fees that the broker can earn,
  • building one’s business,
  • and expanding to wider income sources.

This complete guide can easily get you started in business quickly.

With the nation’s economy in the state it is currently in, and with most economic indicators predicting high inflation and tough economic times ahead, many people will be needing cash and capital for many purposes. It is really amazing how relatively few money brokers and finders there are around at the present time on a per capita basis. Believe me when I tell you that the potential for you to make money in this business is really fabulous.


The IWS Guide to How to be a Second Mortgage Loan Broker by R. Briskey gives the reader step-by-step methods for developing his/her business as a second mortgage broker. This comprehensive, yet easy-to-read-and-put-into-action, manual covers

  • money sources,
  • operating without a license,
  • finding clients,
  • fees that the broker can earn,
  • building one’s business,
  • and expanding to wider income sources.

This complete guide can easily get you started in business quickly.

With the nation’s economy in the state it is currently in, and with most economic indicators predicting high inflation and tough economic times ahead, many people will be needing cash and capital for many purposes. It is really amazing how relatively few money brokers and finders there are around at the present time on a per capita basis. Believe me when I tell you that the potential for you to make money in this business is really fabulous.


Because it is the simplest and easiest way for you to make money quickly.

Most money broker/finder programs around today cover all types of business loans. We feel that it’s much too broad an area, especially for the beginner; and it requires too much knowledge and paperwork. Wouldn’t you like to make money as simply
make the most money, by doing the least amount of work, and have as much leisure time as possible to enjoy our money and the fruits of our success. So let simplicity be our motto and let us both embark on a course to make as much money as simply and as easily as possible.

And in keeping with our “motto,” we will attempt to keep this manual as simple and as easy to understand as is practical. We will give you all the basics in a clear and concise manner, and tell you just about everything that you need to know.

Remember, we will always be available to help you and to answer your questions.


It really is… so, why should we complicate it?

The answer is that we won’t.

You will soon be happy and amazed to see and learn how really simple it is and that your chances of success are really very good. Remember, you are not alone. We are not just selling you a manual and walking away. We invite you to work with us,
since we have a close personal relationship with some very knowledgeable people who, in turn, have a very close personal relationship with some of the country’s richest lending institutions — plus many years of experience and success in the
second mortgage business. So I repeat, you are not alone and together we can hopefully grow and prosper.


  • We will take you step by step and teach you how to get started.
  • We will explain to you what help and services we can supply to you.
  • We will give you specimens of al the forms that you will be using.
  • We will explain all the basic steps and procedures that you should follow.
  • We will give you a glossary of real estate and mortgage terms.
  • We will explain the role of appraisers. lawyers, title companies, etc.
  • We will cover the legal aspects, where you will work, stationery and equipment that you will need, how to place advertisements and find clients and deals.
  • We will explain commissions. commission agreements and loan presentations, and we will give you a list of lending sources who may work with you.
  • In addition, we will give you some other valuable and interesting sources who can help you and we will also tell you ways to help people in financial trouble whom you may not be able to secure loans for because of their current situation.

So let us now go forward. We have a lot to tell you and you are, no doubt, very anxious to learn . . .

Additional information


Brisky, Richard


Ebook (PDF)




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