
IWS-50 : The IWS Directory of Grant Money Sources: Your Guide to Charitable Foundations and Their Areas of Interest

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Lists over 600+ foundations and corporate grant-makers for many different types of grants. Lists person to contact, name, address, tel/fax no. of grantor, grant subject areas in which grants are made, geographic preferences (if any), how to apply to this organization for a grant, and restrictions, if any. Covers grants for arts, humanities, civic & public affairs, environment, health, education, religion, science, and social issues.

The IWS Directory of Grant Money Sources: Your Guide to Charitable Foundations and Their Areas of Interest presents the names, addresses and phone numbers of over 600 grant-making organizations. The various kinds of grant-makers listed include foundations, corporations, trusts and funds, each of which may operate in a slightly different way.


Lists over 600+ foundations and corporate grant-makers for many different types of grants. Lists person to contact, name, address, tel/fax no. of grantor, grant subject areas in which grants are made, geographic preferences (if any), how to apply to this organization for a grant, and restrictions, if any. Covers grants for arts, humanities, civic & public affairs, environment, health, education, religion, science, and social issues.

The IWS Directory of Grant Money Sources: Your Guide to Charitable Foundations and Their Areas of Interest presents the names, addresses and phone numbers of over 600 grant-making organizations. The various kinds of grant-makers listed include foundations, corporations, trusts and funds, each of which may operate in a slightly different way. For the purposes of this book, we use the general term foundation to refer to all types of organizations listed.

Along with each foundation’s name, contact information, and geographic areas where they award grants, the categories of their interests are given. There are 7 main categories of interest:

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Civic & Public Affairs
  • Education Environment
  • Health
  • Religion
  • Social Services

For the most part, the foundations are listed in alphabetical order by name. Where the name of a foundation starts with a person’s proper name, the foundation is listed alphabetically by last name. For example, The Maurice Amado Foundation isn’t listed among the foundations with names starting with the letter “M.” Instead. it’s listed just before the Amaturo Foundation. This is because the order is based on the last name, Amado, not on the first name, Maurice.

To determine the subject areas (categories) in which a foundation provides the largest number of grants, look under Areas of Interest in the foundation’s listing.

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Hicks, S. David, IWS


Ebook (PDF)




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