
IWS-56 : 101 Ways to Get 100+% Financing for Real Estate and Business


101 Ways to Get 100+% Financing for Real Estate and Business gives specific, step-by-step ways to get 100+% financing for a variety of real estate and business activities. Using the methods given you can often mortgage out — that is, borrow more money than needed for the deal in hand. All the methods given have been used at one time or another by various business and real estate wealth builders.

Are you seeking to either start, buy, or expand a business or real estate project and finding yourself short of money?

Do you have:

  • Good business or real estate ideas
  • Strong drives to make money
  • Willingness to work long hours, if need be

Yet you lack that one key ingredient — MONEY!

So you have the big problem of finding the money needed for the business or real estate deal that interests you.

Well, this book is designed to help solve that problem because it gives you hundreds of ways to get 100+% financing.


101 Ways to Get 100+% Financing for Real Estate and Business gives specific, step-by-step ways to get 100+% financing for a variety of real estate and business activities. Using the methods given you can often mortgage out — that is, borrow more money than needed for the deal in hand. All the methods given have been used at one time or another by various business and real estate wealth builders.

Are you seeking to either start, buy, or expand a business or real estate project and finding yourself short of money?

Do you have:

  • Good business or real estate ideas
  • Strong drives to make money
  • Willingness to work long hours, if need be

Yet you lack that one key ingredient — MONEY!

So you have the big problem of finding the money needed for the business or real estate deal that interests you.

Well, this book is designed to help solve that problem because it gives you hundreds of ways to get 100+% financing. To be sure we’re both talking about the same idea, let’s start by defining 100+% financing.


You can define 100+% financing in a number of different ways. In short, simple words it means that you borrow more money than you need to start, buy, or take over a business or piece of real estate. Or, in other terms, you buy or start a business or real estate project without putting any money of your own into the enterprise. For a few specific examples of how 100+% financing works, let’s take a look at a few actual deals:

  • You need $10,000 as the down payment for a hardware store you want to buy. The closing cost will be another $1,000. And you figure that you should have $3,000 working capital to carry you through the first few months of your business. So you need a total of $14,000 ( = $10,000 + $1,000 + $3,000). You go and borrow $15,000 on a signature loan from a commercial finance company. You now have 100+% financing because you needed $14,000 but you were able to borrow $1,000 ($15,000 – $14,000) more than you needed.
  • You want to take over an income real estate property and you need $25,000 for the down payment. But the most you can borrow on your signature is $20,000. You explain this to the seller and ask him for a $6,000 purchase-money mortgage. The seller agrees and you have a total of $20,000 + $6,000 = $26,000! You can use the extra $1,000 for closing costs or other expenses. Once again, you have more money than you need

Do I say that you should always get more money than you need? No! But my experience in many businesses shows:

    • You always need more than you think you do
    • The extra few dollars never hurt
    • The interest cost for the extra few dollars is usually very small compared to the comfort you get from having the additional funds
    • You can always quickly repay the extra money which you get and thereby save on your interest costs if you do not need the extra money
    • You can aim for exactly 100% financing instead of 100+% and still use the same methods which I give you here

To show you what you can do on no money down, here’s a letter from a reader who says:

“I am a subscriber to your newsletter, International Wealth Success. Your advice helped me acquire eight different apartment buildings last year, all with no money down. In addition, they are all producing a good cash flow.”

Now let’s take a look at what 100+% financing will and will not do.


You can use the power of 100+% financing for almost every business or real estate deal which interests you. But now and then you may run into a deal where the seller will not approve of your using 100+% financing. If this happens, just go on to the next deal where such financing will work. Don’t waste your time with people who want to block you from building your fortune.

In this book we give you hundreds of ways to get 100+% financing. Not every way will work for every deal! Some ways work better for businesses, while others work better for real estate. I point this out in the information I give you on each way of getting 100+% financing. So be careful not to try to make a business method work for real estate. You may be able to do this but it will probably take you much more time than using a straight real estate method!


The Table of Contents lists numerous methods of getting 100+% financing. After the name of each method in the book you will see one or more letters which indicate in what type of deals the method can be used.

Thus, a method followed by the letter B can be used for business deals.

The letter R indicates methods which can be used for real estate deals.

Two letters following a method means that the method can be used for either type of deal.

Later on we’ll discuss Franchise deals and Energy deals. Franchise deals are denoted by the letter F and Energy deals by the letter E. The meaning of each of the letters is also explained at the start of the Table of Contents.

Decide what type of deal you would like to enter; then:

      • Look through the list of the methods and write down those which you think you would like to use
      • Read each of the methods carefully and make notes as to how you might use it
      • Check local sources where you might use the method you have chosen
      • Take steps to use one or more of the methods you checked

You must take action to get results. All of the reading in the world won’t do you any good unless you follow it up with action.

So take your first step now and pick the methods you plan to use to get 100+% financing to build your fortune!

Additional information


Hicks, Tyler G.


Ebook (PDF)




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