
IWS-59 : The IWS Directory of State Industrial and Economic Departments, Commerce Departments, and Housing Agencies

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The 50 states of the United States, and the various territories, can be of major help to you in your business activities. So we list here the following for your benefit:

  • Address and telephone of each State capitol
  • Industrial and economic development departments of each state, and the title of the official to contact
  • Commerce departments of each state and the title of the official to contact
  • Housing finance agencies in those states having them, along with the title of the official to contact
  • Purchasing agencies and the title of the official to contact
  • Securities agencies and the titles of the officials to contact


The 50 states of the United States, and the various territories, can be of major help to you in your business activities. So we list here the following for your benefit:

  • Address and telephone of each State capitol
  • Industrial and economic development departments of each state, and the title of the official to contact
  • Commerce departments of each state and the title of the official to contact
  • Housing finance agencies in those states having them, along with the title of the official to contact
  • Purchasing agencies and the title of the official to contact
  • Securities agencies and the titles of the officials to contact

Here’s how to use each of these lists to build your business.

INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC DEPARTMENTS often encourage the development of industry and business in the State or Territory by various means which may vary from state to state but may often include:

  • Low-interest loans
  • Tax-free periods (often up to 10 years) to encourage growth of new businesses
  • Free land or buildings
  • Financing of job and worker training
  • Financing of factories, plants, etc.
  • Plus numerous other benefits

To get in on these many benefits, write the official listed for your state or the state in which you plan to locate your business,
requesting information about the benefits. You’ll usually be sent a big package of useful data and information. Be sure to use
your business letterhead when you write to your state, or any other state.

COMMERCE DEPARTMENTS in the various states usually encourage trade and commerce for the firms in their state. This trade could be with other firms inside or outside the state , or with foreign firms and countries. To help your firm do more business, the states may offer a variety of services, including:

  • Free business advice
  • Publications of various kinds
  • Loans or tax-free financing
  • Other helpful aids

To obtain any of the assistance your state offers, write to the official listed, using your business letterhead. Be sure to specify
the type of help you seek.

HOUSING FINANCE AGENCIES can be a big source of help to you in your real-estate activities. Typical help which the housing agency in your state might offer includes:

  • Real-estate financing
  • Low – or no-cash housing
  • Housing improvement loans
  • Free property searches
  • Other real estate aid

Write the official listed, using your business letterhead. Ask for the information you seek concerning any real estate activities
you have in mind for the state involved.

PURCHASING AGENCIES of the various states can be important to you if you have a product or service to offer them. The reason for this is because the states buy many different products and services. Also, the states pay their bills. Some of your other customers may not be as reliable!

If you try to sell any items to a state, or if you seek any information about their purchasing practices, write the official listed, using your business letterhead. Don’t use plain blank paper because you are not likely to receive an answer.

SECURITIES AGENCIES AND DEPARTMENTS of the various states can be helpful to you if you want to sell stock in your corporation in the state. To obtain the stock registration requirements for any state, just write the official listed. These officials may also — in many cases — be able to give you information on how and where to register a sole proprietorship and a partnership in your state.

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