
IWS-65 : How to Get Rich on Other People’s Money


This is THE Tyler G. Hicks classic — the book that launched a million millionaires (and counting!). How to Get Rich on Other People’s Money shows you new ways to use OPM (Other People’s Money) and creative low-cost methods to take advantage of our new, high-tech, fast-paced economy. You’ll learn

  • how and where to get cash now,
  • unique products to turn quick profits,
  • how to become an importer,
  • mail-order secrets,
  • how to get grants,
  • how to make big money in real estate
  • and much more.

200+ information-packed pages written in that inimitable Tyler G. Hicks style that will motivate and inspire you just as much as it provides you with all the knowledge and know-how you will need to make your fortune fast.


This is THE Tyler G. Hicks classic — the book that launched a million millionaires (and counting!). How to Get Rich on Other People’s Money shows you new ways to use OPM (Other People’s Money) and creative low-cost methods to take advantage of our new, high-tech, fast-paced economy. You’ll learn

  • how and where to get cash now,
  • unique products to turn quick profits,
  • how to become an importer,
  • mail-order secrets,
  • how to get grants,
  • how to make big money in real estate
  • and much more.

200+ information-packed pages written in that inimitable Tyler G. Hicks style that will motivate and inspire you just as much as it provides you with all the knowledge and know-how you will need to make your fortune fast.

Making a fortune today is different from five years ago, ten years ago, twenty years ago. Why? For a number of reasons, namely:

People are different today. There are millions of young men and women who never served a day in the military, never had trouble finding a job, never were laid of from work. So they see life differently from those born earlier.

People expect fast results. Instead of filling out a coupon and addressing an envelope, finding a stamp and walking to the local mailbox (if one can be found), people want to call a toll-free number and have their purchases delivered the next day by Express Mail or by one of the overnight delivery services.

People don’t want ot wait a lifetime to “make it” — they want it now, not tomorrow, not next year! Now, today, here! Using no money of their own!

This book shows you how to get rich today, meeting all the above criteria. It gives you sure-fire “electronic” techniques to build riches quickly and with certainty using Other People’s Money — OPM, I cal it. With this book you will:

  • Be able to get hard cash in just days.
  • Make money from today’s needs without a rented office.
  • Make the whole world your golden oyster of riches.
  • Get filthy rich in the best tax haven ever created.
  • Flood your life with wealth from creative financing.
  • Make a fortune walking (or jogging) along Easy Street.
  • Get money that need never be repaid — money without strings.
  • Strike it rich using small seeds to grow big fortunes.
  • Rake in unlimited gold from the salt of the earth.
  • Laugh all the way to the bank using wild, workable ideas!

Every method in this book is practical — it does work be-cause one or more of my millions of readers has used it to build wealth today! Toss away your musty, soggy, wealth-build-ing books of yesteryear. You’re at the close of the twentieth century when things, and people, are different!

Additional information


Hicks, Tyler G.


Ebook (PDF)




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