
IWS-68 : The IWS Millionaire Credit Card System


The IWS Millionaire Credit Card System is designed to offer people an alternative opportunity to get the money that they need, featuring key steps, how-to details, and smart techniques everyone needs to know in order to get the money they need for business or real estate.


 Credit Basics
 How to Handle Collection Agencies
 Resolving Disputed Charges
 Sample Letters and Forms for Managing Credit
 Building Your Credit
 Consumer Credit Laws
 Lender Listings


The IWS Millionaire Credit Card System is designed to offer people an alternative opportunity to get the money that they need, featuring key steps, how-to details, and smart techniques everyone needs to know in order to get the money they need for business or real estate.


 Credit Basics
 How to Handle Collection Agencies
 Resolving Disputed Charges
 Sample Letters and Forms for Managing Credit
 Building Your Credit
 Consumer Credit Laws
 Lender Listings


The primary purpose for the development of The IWS Millionaire Credit Card System is to help readers get the financial assistance they need to pursue their dreams. Many people would like to be working in a business of their own. Whether that business is a retail store, a mail order business, a service company or something else, they all have one thing in common—they all require a substantial investment of money to get started.

The lack of startup funds is oftentimes the one obstacle that separates people from their dreams. To borrow money to pursue a dream is a big risk and can be quite expensive in the long run. The idea of saving enough money to pursue one’s dream can seem like an impossible task. Without an effective financial alternative, many people fail to see even a fraction of their dreams come true.

One of the top goals of The IWS Millionaire Credit Card System is to offer readers creative or alternative ways to get the money they need. We discuss several ways to do this while providing readers with guidelines and tips on how they can reduce debt and keep it to a minimum.

Anyone can hire a credit repair firm to fix and improve their credit, but this can be a very expensive option—too expensive for many people to afford.

The author believes that The IWS Millionaire Credit Card System is simple enough that even people with a limited education or limited personal skills can make good money by implementing the steps described in the book.

In this book you’ll learn about the use of credit, the processing of cleaning and building up one’s credit, and the accumulation of credit cards. This will open the door of opportunity and freedom that success and financial independence can provide. It will give you the cornerstone of knowledge to fulfill your dreams.

You will learn the system of accumulating as many credit cards as you want, what the objectives are, how to use the system and how not to use the system, so you won’t get into financial trouble. You will start the system by learning how to set definite goals and commit to them. Knowing exactly what you want and how to go about getting might be all you need. But most important is making a concrete commitment to achieving your goals.

Cashless spending has become a way of life for most Americans. At the gas station, you fill up and pay with a major credit card or gas company credit card. Dining out, you might pay with American Express. We buy televisions, automobiles and furniture on credit. Whatever the reason, consumer credit is here to stay.

With credit comes many benefits and problems. Using a charge card can become a real pain if you get erroneous bills or bogus purchases, possibly made by someone who’s stolen your identity.

Some of the key points we’ll discuss in this book are::

 What rights a consumer has with regard to credit
 What happens if you lose your wallet and someone uses your cards?
 What to do when the credit bureau issues a negative report?
 How to stop bill collectors.
 What car dealers can do if you miss your payments.

This program answers these questions and many more.

Start today with a clean slate so you can pursue your BIG dreams and goals.

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Ebook (PDF)




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