
IWS-73 : 203 Home-Based Businesses that Will Make You Rich


Have you been downsized from your job? Or do you still have ajob but you hate it? Has a business of your own been a lifelong dream? Or is an independent income—free from the control of others—your goal in life? If you answer yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. Imagine starting up a million-dollar-a-year business from the comfort of your own home. What a life! No more bosses, no more nine-to-five grind, no more just getting by. Home-based business expert Tyler G. Hicks has shown thousands of people how to achieve it, too. This book opens up a world of opportunity you never thought existed.


Imagine starting up a million-dollar-a-year business from the comfort of your own home. What a life! No more bosses, no more nine-to-five grind, no more just getting by. Home-based business expert Tyler G. Hicks has shown thousands of people how to achieve it, too. This book opens up a world of opportunity you never thought existed.


Have you been downsized from your job? Or do you still have ajob but you hate it? Has a business of your own been a lifelong dream? Or is an independent income—free from the control of others—your goal in life?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. Why? Because this book shows you how to:

  1. Pick a home-based business you like and succeed in it.
  2. Find a low-cost, lean way to start that business.
  3. Generate substantial income quickly from your home.
  4. Build a strategic cash reserve for your future.
  5. Have plenty of free time to do what you richly enjoy.
  6. Expand your business to bring in more money.

Over the years I’ve shown thousands of Beginning Wealth Builders—BWBs in my shorthand notation—how to start and succeed in their own home-based business. And these happy BWBs—many of whom are stay-at-home moms (or dads)— voluntarily write me thousands of glowing letters telling me that the ideas I gave them really do work! Now I’m ready to show you how you can do the same—starting this very in- stant on your own kitchen table or in your garage or basement. You can even start your own business in a trailer, motor home, boat, or mountain cabin!

Businesses I think you might use to build your wealth are what I call “paper businesses,” that is:

  • Businesses that can be run from a simple desk at home— made by putting a plywood door on two low-cost (or salvaged) filing cabinets.
  • Businesses that do not need a big payroll—or any payroll at all—because you have independent contractors work for you on an hourly or per-job basis; they’re paid for what they do, nothing more (no medical plans, no pensions, no sick leave, etc.).
  • Businesses that you can run single-handedly at the start, and that you can continue to run that way for as long as you wish—as long as you’re satisfied with an income of up to about $400,000 a year as sole owner, with your income roll- ing in year after year.
  • Businesses that don’t require a factory, heavy machinery, minerals in the ground, or any other large investment of any kind.
  • Businesses that can be run from your self-built desk using just paper, stamps, a pen, a typewriter or computer, a telephone, and—if you wish—a fax machine.
  • Businesses that you can start on little cash—just a few hundred dollars for most of them.
  • Businesses that recently took on a new short name—SOHO, for small office/home office—that are being catered to by some of the world’s largest companies that sell phones, copy machines, and other equipment that gives you complete work-at-home flexibility.

The businesses you just read about have other attractive features that will appeal to many of today’s aspiring BWBs. These features are attractive to:

  1. Stay-at-home mothers or fathers who must care for young children.
  2. Handicapped people of all ages and genders who can’t get out to ajob because they don’t have the needed mo- bility, but who seek the positive healing power a successful business brings to both the wallet and mind.
  3. Poor credit-history BWBs who have a less-than-perfect credit report because of past illness, divorce,job loss, or bad advice on repaying student loans; these folks believe they deserve to be rich, and they seek a better life using creative solutions to their problems.
  4. Ex-military personnel who can’t find a suitablejob in what seems like an alien world; they seek extra-income oppor- tunities in a successful business of their own that they manage wisely.
  5. Former prison inmates with little employment history to use in finding work; this book—full of insider’s how-to success strategies for success at home—could be their last- chance success guide.
  6. Minority individuals who face job discrimination—even in today’s so-called tolerant world; in this book, they’ll find the best places to offer their home business prod- ucts or services and network with others who can help them succeed.
  7. Career changers—young or experienced—who want to do an about-face in their lives and switch to a new and larger source of income for themselves, using break- through thinking.
  8. New workers who early on recognize that they don’t want to get into the corporate rat race; instead they want a business of their own that could make them rich—as ev- eryone who develops creative ideas and solutions to people’s problems is entided to be.
  9. Unemployed people who were downsized, laid off, given early retirement, or otherwise fired from their “steady, lifetime”job.
  10. Retirees who’ve found they can’t play golf seven days a week, can’t travel 365 days a year, can’t live “outside the loop” of the work world and want to get back into the action of the real world.

So if you’re one of these people, come with me—your good and dependable friend—and I’ll show you how to grow rich in your own business today. I’ll guide you every step of the way—in person, by mail, by phone, or by fax. Call me and I’ll personally answer on the first ring. Your questions will be answered quickly and clearly. You’ll start to bring in a steadily rising income—month after month.

You can get rich in your own home business today. A new millionaire is created every few minutes in the United States—every day! Most of these new millionaires are self- made people who own their own businesses. You too can reach millionaire status. This book shows you exactly how to reach that income level, giving you step-by-step directions and providing you with business moxie and smart techniques that will work for you every time you use them. So if you’re ready to start getting rich, I’m ready to show you how. Just turn to Chapter 1—now!

Additional information


Hicks, Tyler G.


Ebook (PDF)




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