
IWS-78 : How to Borrow Your Way to Real Estate Riches: The Million Dollar Sure-Fire Formula for Amassing Wealth Today!


How to Borrow Your Way to Real Estate Riches: The Million Dollar Sure-Fire Formula forAmassing Wealth Today! shows you how to get — on borrowed money — the real estate that will give you the yearly income you seek. That income can vary from as little as $1,000 a year to as much as $500,000 a year. You pick the income level you want and then, using the methods I give you in this bo0k, go out and earn that income, financing your real estate (which gives you your chosen income) on borrowed money!


How to Borrow Your Way to Real Estate Riches: The Million Dollar Sure-Fire Formula forAmassing Wealth Today! identifies ways, in one easy-to-understand volume, to borrow all the money you need to get real estate which will produce a huge yearly income for you.

How to Borrow Your Way to Real Estate Riches: The Million Dollar Sure-Fire Formula forAmassing Wealth Today! shows you how to get — on borrowed money — the real estate that will give you the yearly income you seek. That income can vary from as little as $1,000 a year to as much as $500,000 a year. You pick the income level you want and then, using the methods I give you in this bo0k, go out and earn that income, financing your real estate (which gives you your chosen income) on borrowed money!

And the good news for you in this book is that you can earn the income you want from the real estate you like, be it

  • Apartment houses
  • Shopping centers
  • Raw land
  • Single-family homes
  • Industrial properties
  • As a lender on income property

And more!

I want you to build your wealth to the point where you are worth at least one million dollars (or whatever other money goal you pick) in real estate. Once you are worth that much, I’ll know this book has done its job for you, and so will Ihave done my job for you!

To help you get rich in real estate on borrowed money, I give you hundreds of tips, methods, and real-life examples covering key wealth-building topics such as

  • How borrowed money can make you rich in real estate.
  • Tax breaks for you in property ownership.
  • Zero-cash ways to start building your real estate wealth.
  • Earning millions on Other People’s Money (OPM).
  • Real estate numbers that can make you rich.
  • Using leverage to take over good income properties.
  • Types of real estate loans you can get and use.
  • Rent-arrears financing methods that build your assets.
  • “Bounce-proof” check loans and their use in real estate.
  • Mortgaging out to put cash into your pocket.
  • Putting piggyback and standing loans to work for yourself.
  • Making a borrowed-money, automatic fortune in real estate today.
  • Profiting from the growth in real estate values in your area.
  • Sure steps for finding lenders and getting real-estate loans.
  • Borrowing from any lender you pick to work on your projects.
  • Creative financing steps you can take in real estate.
  • Fully financed ways to wealth in real estate.
  • Making a bundle of money by borrowing on your real estate.

Plus many, many more wealth-building methods for you.

As you read this book, you will see how dozens and dozens of Beginning Wealth Builders (BWBs) and some Experienced Wealth Builders (EWBs) are borrowing their way to real estate riches today to become Successful Wealth Builders (SWBs)! Since these people are much like yourself, I’m sure you’ll find their experiences both interesting and instructive.

And, I’m certain, the real-life methods these people use will motivate you to go out and do something for yourself-now!

Action is what wil produce results ni your life, and I’m determined to make you act for your own good.


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