
IWS-82 : Magic Mind Secrets for Building Great Riches Fast


Yes, fellow fortune-builder, you are on the brink of enormous wealth — if you tag along with me. I have nothing to sell you, except your success! Hundreds and hundreds of beginning fortune-builders who try my methods report instant success. Their income grows each year and a number become millionaires within three years after putting my ideas to work in their wealth efforts. A true classic in the field of gearing your mind to succeed, Magic Mind Secrets for Building Great Riches Fast shows you how to make other people do your work while you sit at home and rake in the profits. Also includes how to get up to 100,000 in cash that doesn’t have to be repaid, and much more.


A true classic in the field of gearing your mind to succeed, Magic Mind Secrets for Building Great Riches Fast shows you how to make other people do your work while you sit at home and rake in the profits. Also includes how to get up to 100,000 in cash that doesn’t have to be repaid, and much more.

What This Book Does for You

Every man and woman who builds great wealth uses magic mind secrets of some kind to put his fortune together. These magic mind secrets are universal — anyone, including you, can use them! And they are so powerful that everyone who uses the magic mind secrets given in this book is almost certain to build great wealth quickly and surely.

Why fumble trying to find the secret combination that opens the door to instant riches when the secrets are here, in this book, ready to use?

My four other wealth and riches books (which are all on this web site — look around!) were immediate best sellers. People from all over the world bought, and still buy, and use these books.

In my thousands of discussions with beginning wealth- builders throughout the world, one fact keeps repeating itself to me. This fact is:

Most beginners are ready to build a great fortune except for one item: They don’t recognize that magic mind secrets are as important as any other element — money, ideas, ambition, and so on — in building great riches fast.

And why are these magic mind secrets so important? Because, good reader and fellow wealth-builder, the greatest fortunes begin as an idea in someone’s mind. One good idea, properly manipulated by a wealth-builder’s mind, can grow into a world-wide fortune.

Scientists say that your brain contains three billion cells and more circuits connecting these cells than all the telephone wires in all of North America! Is it any wonder then that when you apply your mind to building enormous riches that the results are truly magical? Yes, you have within you all the skills you need to be the richest man or woman in the world. And when I say this I mean rich in money, rich in happiness, rich in friends, and rich in love for others!

So come with me, good reader, and soon-to-be-successful fortune builder, and watch and listen while I show you how to:

  • Have enormous confidence in yourself
  • Use your mind to plot your way to riches
  • Build your health while building your wealth
  • Follow your stars to a great fortune
  • Exert a rich mental attitude in everything you do
  • Make your ambitions pay of in big money
  • Use other people’s money to make money for you
  • Find goodness everywhere you go
  • Analyze your personal wealth-building skills
  • Apply science to your wealth-building efforts
  • Figure your best wealth-building days
  • Put psychic power to work in your daily money life
  • Use psycho-cybernetics to control your wealth
  • Apply the newest concepts to attract riches

Yes, fellow fortune-builder, you are on the brink of enormous wealth — if you tag along with me. I have nothing to sell you, except your success! Hundreds and hundreds of beginning fortune-builders who try my methods report instant success. Their income grows each year and a number become millionaires within three years after putting my ideas to work in their wealth efforts.

Remember — nothing succeeds like success — your success! So let’s start now to make you wealthy, healthy, and wise. Don’t waste another moment — turn the page to your river of pure gold which starts with the first page of chapter one.

And good luck!

Tyler G. Hicks

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Hicks, Tyler G.


Ebook (PDF)




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