
IWS-84 : How Nearly Anyone Can Prosper and Get Wealthy Selling Country Land


This classic tutorial by the inimitable Frank E. Moss, Ph.D., reveals various ways in which you can take advantage of inexpensive sales of country land to build significant wealth quickly. How Nearly Anyone Can Prosper and Get Wealthy Selling Country Land is a CLASSIC! And the principles it presents are probably just as valid today as they were in the years detailed in the examples in the book. Thus, if land values rose 6-percent in three years in an example given in the book, it is likely that they will rise in the years you are considering, if economic conditions are similar. The amount of the rise will probably be different. But if similar conditions exist, a rise in value may probably occur. So please use the dates shown only as guides of time spans, and APPLY THE ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES TO THE LAND YOU’RECONSIDERING. Using the valid principles given to you in this book may help you prosper and get wealthy trading country land, if similar economic conditions exist.


This classic tutorial by the inimitable Frank E. Moss, Ph.D., reveals various ways in which you can take advantage of inexpensive sales of country land to build significant wealth quickly.

The book you are about to read is a CLASSIC! And the principles it presents are probably just as valid today as they were in the years detailed in the examples in the book. Thus, if land values rose 6-percent in three years in an example given in the book, it is likely that they will rise in the years you are considering, if economic conditions are similar. The amount of the rise will probably be different. But if similar conditions exist, a rise in value may probably occur. So please use the dates shown only as guides of time spans, and APPLY THE ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES TO THE LAND YOU’RE CONSIDERING. Using the valid principles given to you in this book may help you prosper and get wealthy trading country land, if similar economic conditions exist.

New Dimensions for Wealthier, Healthier, and Safer Living

What do you want out of life?

  • More wealth?
  • Greater admiration and respect from family, friends, and neighbors?
  • Better health, including purer, healthier foods to eat and air to breathe?
  • More safety, not only physical safety, but better protection for your newly acquired wealth, and a more secure future for your
  • children?
  • More fun?
  • Freedom?

These are the things that most people want and work hard for all their lives. But only a few people actually achieve them. I would like to show you here that it is easier than you think to become one of these few survivors.

What You Need To Know In Order To Survive . . . and even thrive:

  • How to make your pleasures profitable to you.
  • How we did it, and how you can too.
  • Why country land investments are safer.
  • What is inflation, and how it can destroy your standard of living.
  • What causes inflation, and why it is certain to return.
  • How deficits in the Federal Budget can savage you . . . and what to do about it.
  • How the uncontrollable, double-digit inflation in natural gas prices can work to your advantage . . . if you own some woodland.
  • How to make your land “income-producing,” and the very positive effect of that on its worth.
  • How to estimate the value of a piece of land, and what you can do to increase it.
  • The all-important role of location, and how to avoid a common trap: buying in the wrong place.
  • How living and working in a large city can act in your favor once you’ve learned to find the “preferred directions of growth.”
  • How to search for and find a bargain.
  • Successful negotiating techniques . . . these are most important.
  • Inside knowledge, and how to obtain it.
  • Time/Distance analysis . . . how to use it to your great advantage.
  • What about vacation land? . . . Some of the best profits are here, and you can really enjoy it while constantly adding to your net
  • worth.
  • How to finance land purchases . . . the critical importance of leverage, and how to use it effectively.
  • Why you should not pay cash, even if you can.
  • How to use buying and selling strategies effectively.
  • How “Pyramiding” can work to potentially speed up your accumulation of wealth.
  • All about writing contracts.
  • All about deeds, notes, closing statements, and other instruments.
  • How deals are made with zero cash . . . so important, that one whole section of this report is devoted to this topic alone.
  • Why country land is your best bet for increasing your net worth . . . a final word.
  • How your library can help . . . what are the best books on country land.

You will learn all of this, and much, much more in this book.

Additional information


Moss, Frank E. Ph.D


Ebook (PDF)




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