The IWS Export/Import Success Kit (Product K-17) is one of IW$’s flagship offerings that clocks in at over 2,000+ pages! This comprehensive kit shows you how to make money in export/import in today’s product-hungry world and takes you from your first day in the business toward great success.
The IWS Export-Import Success Kit contains 10 ebooks, covering every aspect of the international trade process:
- Speed-Read Study Guide: spells out each step in using the Kit to make great profits in international trade
- Guide to Export-Import Trade Lead Sources: Gives you numerous sources for finding trade leads all around the world
- Can You Afford Not to Be a Millionaire (IWS-16) shows you exactly how to create your own fortune in import-export, as detailed by a highly successful exporter
- Worldwide Riches Opportunities, Vol. 1 and 2 (IWS-3 and IWS-4) list more than 5,000 products wanted by overseas companies, including company name, address, contact person, telephone/fax, email addresses and websites for most listings. Also gives opportunities for importing products.
- How to Prepare and Process Import-Export Documents (IWS-5) gives you everything you need to know about the critical step of documenting your imports and exports, with forms and examples
- Directory of Freight Forwarders and Customs House Brokers (IWS-15) shows you how to have your exports and imports quickly processed and shipped through customs for a small fee your customer pays.
You also get:
- Hundreds of ways to earn big fees, selling needed products all over the world
- Easy steps to complete the common papers used in importing and exporting
- Simple letters you can email, mail or fax to your overseas customers to make sales fast
- Ways to work from home without having to travel much farther than your mail box or computer
- How to get big repeat orders, putting generous fees into your pocket quickly and easily
- Ways to be paid through your own bank with checks that will never bounce
- Quick finance sources for loans to help you rune your business
- How to avoid the 12 most common mistakes made by novice exporters
- Includes directory of Federal and State export help you can get free of charge
- Sources of assistance (including financing) by state
- Contacts for top overseas markets and big sales
- Typical forms used in export-import deals all over the world
- Reliable ways to get paid for your export-import activities
- Building your export-import business to your desired income level
PLUS, you’ll receive the COMPLETE EXPORT-IMPORT RESOURCE LIBRARY, containing the following eBooks:
- A Basic Guide to Exporting
- Breaking Into the Trade Game: The Small Business Guide to Exporting
- Export Business Planner for Small Business
- Export Financing for Small Business
- Business Guide to Federal Export Assistance
- Exporter’s Checklist for Expanding Into New Markets
- Export Documentation Checklist
- Trade Finance Guide Quick Reference
KL –
This is the most complete and through business bundle I’ve ever bought. Thank you!