
K-36 : The IWS SCOR/ULOR Business Capital-Raising Success Kit


The IWS SCOR/ ULOR Business Capital-Raising Success Kit is the ultimate kit on this subject with everything you need to finance your company and take it to the next level — and then higher!


YOU CAN RAISE $1-MILLION A YEAR of no-repay money for your business corporation by using the Uniform Limited Offering Registration (ULOR) for small corporations.

Small corporate offering registration, which is also referred to as SCOR, is a way small companies can easily raise capital funds by selling shares. SCOR gives small business owners a way to be exempt from traditional requirements for registering under federal securities regulations that are in effect for businesses offering and selling up to a maximum of one million dollars of shares in a 12-month time period. In addition to raising capital, SCOR can be used as a portion of a succession plan and for liquidity reasons.

You can raise money for your business from the public, or from private investors by “going public.”

Money you raise through a public (or private) offering is an investment ni your corporation. Hence, the money your company receives never has to be repaid. You can use this money to:

  • Buy a building to house your business.
  • Buy production machinery for your business.
  • Buy computers, copiers, telephone systems, autos, trucks, aircraft, and ships for your business.
  • Buy whatever else is needed to conduct a profitable, growing business.

You can also use the money you raise for many other business activities, such as:

  • Pay salaries for yourself and your staff.
  • Pay rent, light, and heat for your office and/or factory.
  • Pay your travel expenses, and those of your staff.
  • Pay any other legitimate business expense associated with earning a profit from your business.

The key idea to keep in mind about going public is that the money you raise for your corporation is for business uses of any kind.

The IWS SCOR/ ULOR Business Capital-Raising Success Kit shows you how to navigate the paperwork and hurdles to taking your company, no matter its size or revenues, public with investors. By allowing people to buy “shares” in your company, you join the ranks of the “big timers” and truly enter the business arena.

Included in this comprehensive and in-depth kit is everything you need to make your big dream even bigger, including:

  1. QUICK START and Introduction to SCOR-ULOR Programs
  2. Raising Millions for Your Business by Going Public
  3. Instructions for Completing SCOR-ULOR Registration Form
  4. SCOR Issuers Manual – How to Complete the Q&A Disclosure Document
  5. Small Company Offering Registration Form-U-7 in PDF
  6. Small Company Offering Registration SCOR Form U-7 in MS Word
  7. Advantages and Steps for Your Public Offering
  8. Guide to Government Regulations for Smaller Stock Offerings
  9. Top Stock Brokers and Dealers for Your Offerings
  10. Special Lenders Directory for Fast Funding of Your Business or Real Estate Corporation
  11. BONUS 1: How to Go Public to Raise Money
  12. BONUS 2: A Guide to Going Public
  13. BONUS 3: Crowdfunding Sources and Methods
  14. BONUS 4: Funding Your Business – Loans and Other Sources
  15. BONUS 5: Top 125 Broker-Dealer Investment Firms

The IWS SCOR/ ULOR Business Capital-Raising Success Kit is the ultimate kit on this subject with everything you need to finance your company and take it to the next level — and then higher!


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