
M-2 : The IWS Downtown Office Building Loan Package


The IWS Downtown Office Building Loan Package presents an example of a successful loan package for a typical office building.


The IWS Downtown Office Building Loan Package presents an example of a successful loan package for a typical office building.

The Pulver City Office Center presently caters to small businesses needing just 100 or 200 square feet of office space. This focus limits the income of the office building to that shown in Exhibit 1. The owner plans to increase the income of the building by renovating it to accommodate large-floor-space tenants. The expected income of the renovated building is shown in Exhibit 2, with new rehab mortgage payments included. As can be seen, the income of the rehabbed Pulver City Office Center is much higher than at present. The expected cost of the renovation is $2.5 million.

Over 30+ pages with detailed analysis and exhibits!

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Hart, John M., IWS


Ebook (PDF)




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