
M-5 : The IWS High-Rise Apartment Building Loan Package and Business Plan


Presents a comprehensive loan package and business plan for the financing and operation of a multi-family apartment building.


As in any type of investment offering, there is a direct relationship between the completeness of your submission and the time it takes an investor to express an interest, issue a commitment, or indicate a rejection. Only delays and frustrations result when one persists in trying to force feed the simplified procedure of a correspondent on an institutional investor who has formal committees through which to process investment offerings.

Moreover, since the complete package required by the larger investors usually reflect their more sophisticated exposure, one would be prudent to make this the standard for all submissions. Not only would that impress less sophisticated investors, but it would simplify the immediate referral of the case to another investor should the first choice decline interest.

The following case study assumes more than a casual knowledge of commercial mortgage loan procedures and an understanding of the investor’s prevailing underwriting requirements.

Presents a comprehensive loan package and business plan for the financing and operation of a multi-family apartment building.

Additional information


Hicks, Tyler G., IWS, Lutz, William C.


Ebook (PDF)




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