
S-6 : The IWS Report on Secrets of Building Great Riches Fast in a One-Person Business That is Hassle-Free


Make as much as $5-million a year in your own trouble-free business which you enjoy so much that it’s fun every day!


Make as much as $5-million a year in your own trouble-free business which you enjoy so much that it’s fun every day!


“All I hear some days is doom and gloom from people,” Ty Hicks says. Yet the BWBs who call me or have lunch with me in New York are doing great! So my answer to the doom and gloom set of recession, inflation, depression, etc., is:

Get a husiness ofyour own financed with other people’s money and you can say goodbye to all the doom and gloom specialists! You can make it big in a business of your own-starting right now! I’ve seen so many BWBs do exactly that in the last few months that I’m sure you can do the same-in a business you want and like!

Many BWBs often ask me: “How can I come up with good moneymaking ideas?”

And my answer is: Force yourself to come up with good ideas by insisting that you get one good business idea every day of the year. Keep a diary in which you enter your ideas. And if you miss one day for a good business idea, insist that you get two good ideas the next day.

I’ve used this method for years and it has really paid off in big results-every year.

Try ft and see!

And talking about new ideas, did you ever think of getting free money to put your ideas into action?

“‘Where Is there free money?” you ask. Free money is grant money from a government — either local or national — from a foundation — either tax-free or tax-paying — from a large corporation, or from a small corporation. Even some overseas governments make grants-free. Grants are made for thousands of different reasons and purposes, thus you might get a grant for anything from industrial research to an essay on the arts to new ways to raise cattle.

What I’m trying to say is that grants run the entire range of our life, from the simplest activities of just looking and enjoying to the most complex like nuclear energy and space flight.

But all grants — be they large or small — have one important feature: Grant money is money given to you and there is no need to repay grant money!

When you borrow money you must repay it.

When you sell stock in your corporation to the public, you must work to make the value of that stock grow.

But when you get grant money, you need not repay; you need not work to make the value of that money grow. So that’s why I call grant money free money.

Additional information


Hicks, Tyler G.


Ebook (PDF)




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