
S-8 : The IWS Report on Big and Easy Money-Making Ideas for Finders, Beginning Wealth Builders, and Licensing Agents


Many starting finders don’t know that they can make more money if they arrange their deals to get the most from them. To help you get more from your finder deals, here are a few tips which can put big bucks in your pockets soon!


Many starting finders don’t know that they can make more money if they arrange their deals to get the most from them. To help you get more from your finder deals, here are a few tips which can put big bucks in your pockets soon!

Q. How can I earn more from finder deals?

A. Write the agreement you make with your client in such a way that you get afee on al deals that are of the type you are hired for. For instance, if you are hired to find money for a client, write in the agreement that you will get a fee on all loans the client gets during the next—let’s say—5 years. This way you will get a fee on loans on which you might not have worked very much.

Q. But will a client agree to such a deal?

A. Yes, many clients will agree to such a deal because they need the money when they hire you and they hope that you will continue working for them for along time. So the use of such a clause in the agreement will usually be acceptable to most of your clients.

Q. Do I need to be in business as a finder to get such a deal?

A. Nol You can act as a finder on any type of deal you pick. So your main job might be in any other field. But you can—if you want t o act as a finder on deals you pick because you like them or you feel you can really hit the big money, with them. Many of our reader-finders have other jobs or businesses for their regular income and act as finders on deals that appeal to them. This way the client has to work to get the finder to take on the deal. In this type of deal, the finder can often get better terms-like those we mentioned above. Be hard to get and get morel

Q. Must finders have a license of any kind?

A. No; you do not need a license of any kind to act as a finder. Nor do you even need a special type of letter paper. Many finders just use their personal letter paper when writing about business finding deals. Some people even say that you should not have the word “finder” on your letter paper. But the people we hear about who’ve earned the big fess as finders (one states that he earned nearly $2-million on a lead he found in the IWS Newsletter) do carry the word finder on their letter paper. So pick whichever method you think is best for youl

Q. Finder deals take very long to put together, I’ve heard. Is this so?

A. Some do; some can be worked out quickly. So the secret to making big money as a finder is to have both long- and short-term deals. Then you will have almost constant activity in your finder business. This will keep your name in the minds of people in your area who might need your help on a finding job of some type.

Q. What’s the easiest type of finding assignment to get?

A. Finding money is usually the easiest type of finding assignment to get because almost all firms look for money at some time or another. So if you are a money finder, firms in your area are almost certain to ask you to find money for them-for a feel.

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Hicks, Tyler G.


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