
IWS-71 : Tyler G. Hicks’ Smart Money Shortcuts to Becoming Rich


A dazzling array of powerful, proven, money-making opportunities — 90% of which require little or no cash, and even less effort! Tyler G. Hicks’ Smart Money Shortcuts to Becoming Rich covers many smart shortcuts you can use to build your personal fortune in your own business. Hundreds of tested, proven, money-making opportunities for you.


A dazzling array of powerful, proven, money-making opportunities — 90% of which require little or no cash, and even less effort! Tyler G. Hicks’ Smart Money Shortcuts to Becoming Rich covers many smart shortcuts you can use to build your personal fortune in your own business. Hundreds of tested, proven, money-making opportunities for you.


You can get rich sooner than you think! The book you are now holding in your hands gives you hundreds of vital, powerful, and potent steps ot becoming wealthy.

Here’s what this book may do for you, if you put its recommendations to work and push your dreams to reality:

  1. You can become independently wealthy, so you’re no longer a slave to monthly payments on your car, the finance company, your home mortgage, or the local repairman.
  2. Get into a lucrative business of your own. Forget taking orders from a surly boss and leap off the 9-to-5 treadmill. The shortcuts you’re about to learn wil jet you to new enthusiasm for building wealth in your own business, if this is what you want.
  3. Give your family the biggest income ever; enjoy it together as your wealth grows. Buy the things your family needs
    and wants — the things your wife, or husband, has always dreamed of having.
  4. Live a glorious, productive, and happy life — full of energy and good times. Travel all over the world; own a big car, or sporty racer; wear the best clothes; buy, and live in, your dream home; enjoy your hobby to the fullest, be it golf, fishing, hunting, boating, etc.; obtain the best medical attention; enjoy a safe, secure retirement, free of money worries.
  5. Obtain a top executive job, if you want one. Know the prestige of a big office and a matching salary. Enjoy a liberal expense account while you travel. Build your wealth through stock options, employment contracts, and other executive allowances.

You can become rich, if you really want to. Every year poor men become millionaires, proving that the often heard “You can’t make a million dollars these days, taxes being what they are,” is false. More people became millionaires in the last twenty years—when tax rates were amongst the highest ever — than in the preceeding two hundred years. Your chances for success are greater than ever before.

Today’s smart-money wealth builders use hundreds of profitable secret shortcuts to reduce the time and energy needed to carn a top-level income. You can use the same secret shortcuts, or you can invent new ones for yourself, as you read this book. Many of the magic secrets you’ll acquire have never before been collected in one book.

The greatest feature of these magic smart-money secrets is that anyone can use them. Be you 9 or 90, man or woman, banker or baker, sailor or surveyor, they will work for you — again and again. You needn’t be a college graduate to use these secret shortcuts, or even a high-school graduate. And as for starting capital, other than for a few dollars for paper and stamps, forget it. Your new money-making powers may rocket you to the sweetest problem known to man — what to do with all those dollars flooding into your bank.

Lastly, you will see the magic secret that tops all others — how, as a smart-money fortune builder, you can use OPM — Other People’s Money — to build riches for yourself.

Let’s begin now to make you rich. We’ll take that thrilling, rewarding journey from just scraping by to a position in life where you have the riches that give you everything you want, and need, plus dollars and dollars to spare. You’ll see how hundreds of others have built riches from a modest start. Your search and fulfillment will be easier because you have the specific directions in this book to zoom you on your way.

The next two hundred pages are packed with the shortcuts and techniques you need for your high-speed smart-money path to riches. Use them and watch your pot of gold grow and grow.

Good luck!

Additional information


Hicks, Tyler G.


Ebook (PDF)




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