6 Steps to a Big Fortune with European Real Estate
6 Steps to a Big Fortune with European Real Estate

6 Steps to a Big Fortune with European Real Estate

4 minutes, 4 seconds Read

This is a classic by Tyler G. Hicks from his book Magic Mind Secrets for Building Great Riches Fast.

If I could, I’d like to invite every one of my readers to travel throughout the world with me on my frequent business trips. But there are so many readers, that they’d fill a whole fleet of planes. To make up for the trip we can’t take together, let’s dry-run a European trip right here.

You meet me at New York’s JFK Airport about ninety minutes before takeoff. We check in, show our passports and health certificates, and receive details about the flight-gate number, our reserved-seat numbers (you pick the window seat; I like the aisle seat anyway), and loading time.

With these matters finished, we wander off to glance in shop windows and watch the tourists as they come and go. “Come on, friend,” I say, “I’ll buy you a bit of thirst quencher.”

“Sure,” you smile, “I’m thirsty and I could use a short one.”

Use Auto-Hypnosis to Get an Answer

So we go upstairs to the modern cafe with its model airplanes, miniskirted waitresses, and chatter of happy talk. We both order our favorite refreshment and start to talk.

“Ty,” you say, “I’ve always wanted to get into real estate in Europe. I think there’s money to be made in it.”

There sure is,” I say, “Since we have a seven-hour trip ahead of us, why don’t you try some Auto-Hypnosis on yourself instead of watching the movie?”

“That’s exactly what I’ll do,” you say with a smile. “Drink up — it’s nearly time.”

Our plane is a big Boeing 747. We’re sitting up front in the first-class section. You relax in the contoured seat while I explain a few details about the plane.

IWS-82 : Magic Mind Secrets for Building Great Riches Fast


Yes, fellow fortune-builder, you are on the brink of enormous wealth — if you tag along with me. I have nothing to sell you, except your success! Hundreds and hundreds of beginning fortune-builders who try my methods report instant success. Their income grows each year and a number become millionaires within three years after putting my ideas to work in their wealth efforts. A true classic in the field of gearing your mind to succeed, Magic Mind Secrets for Building Great Riches Fast shows you how to make other people do your work while you sit at home and rake…


“How do you know these things?” you ask.

“Oh, I used to be a mechanical engineer,” I say. “So I’m still interested in anything that’s mechanical. And, an airplane such as this represents some of the most sophisticated engineering around. Why the very rug that you walk on is engineered — from a weight standpoint.”

After a smooth takeoff you close your eyes and doze. I hope you’re using Auto-Hypnosis. In an hour or so you awaken, just before the first refreshments are served.

“Let’s go up to the lounge,” I suggest. “We can have our drinks there.”

“Sure,” you reply.

Auto-Hypnosis Reveals a Plan

We climb the circular staircase to the attractively decorated lounge. Taking seats, we order our drinks.

“While I was half asleep,” you say after the first sip of your drink, “I could see the entire European land deal as clearly as though I were looking down from an airplane at 6,000 feet on a sparkling sunny day. The whole deal is very simple, Ty,” you laugh.

“Let’s hear what Auto-Hypnosis told you,” I grin, leaning back in the comfortable seat as our big Boeing 747, high above the Atlantic waves, races smoothly eastward toward Europe.

“This is what Auto-Hypnosis showed me I could do,” you say.

  1. Start buying European land now
  2. Use a small, borrowed down payment to hold the land while the deal is progressing
  3. Since it takes a relatively long time (about a year) to buy European land, I can be advertising its sale while I’m buying
  4. Collect a bigger down payment for my “sale” than I paid
  5. Use this down payment to pay off my down payment, hold the balance for down payments on other land deals
  6. Continue working this deal wherever possible

I nod as you outline your plan. Its basic concept is simple, but highly powerful, namely:

When you can corner the market on an item whose price is rising rapidly, or for which there is a growing demand, but a fixed or restricted supply, time will turn your investment into profit.

As we’re deplaning in London, I offer you some final hints.

Final Money-making Hints to Make a Huge Fortune

To make money in a real-estate deal such as the one you developed during our flight, keep these facts in mind:

  1. Use as small a down payment as possible to control your purchase.
  2. Borrow the down payment — don’t use your own capital.
  3. Take immediate steps to sell out your interest in the purchase.
  4. Be certain you have reliable legal advice and a carefully written contract covering the deal.
  5. Sell as soon as you can, at a profit. Don’t wait to squeeze the last penny out of a deal — sell and go on to the next deal which may be more profitable.
  6. Keep searching for new items on which you can use this technique.

Typical items on which this approach works well include:

  • Real estate
  • Paintings
  • Rare coins
  • First editions of books
  • Tapestries, rugs

Numerous readers of my books and the IW$ Newsletter have made millions using this approach to European and US land and real-estate deals.

You can, too . . .

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