Get Rich Fast in Three Years with Limited Cash
Get Rich Fast in Three Years with Limited Cash

Get Rich Fast in Three Years with Limited Cash

3 minutes, 37 seconds Read

If you’re like most beginning smart money wealth builders, you have little or no capital. You’re what the bankers call “thinly financed.” So you must start small. But if you’re to become wealthy,
you must grow big — fast.

With the right business or job you can grow big fast. Some of the people you’ll learn about here grew so big so fast that they had more growth problems than business problems.

For instance, Jay Monroe, inventor of the high-intensity Tensor lamp, grew so fast that he was losing $20,000 a year in stolen lamps. The security system in the lamp factory wasn’t as good as he wanted it to be. Yet his business boomed — he could hardly meet the enormous demand for his handy, practical little lamp. Sales of his popular miniature lamps skyrocketed from $1,000 the first year to over $3-million in the fourth year. Today his security system is top-notch.

It’s true that growing big fast gives you problems. But as long as you have the income you can overcome the problems. It’s when you don’t have the business that your problems become almost insurmountable.

So if you want to prosper quickly you must have a highly saleable idea, product, or skill.

Don’t allow limited capital to discourage you. Most small businesses and careers that grow fast start with hardly any capital.

Ben Ciscel started Gulf Aerospace Corporation with a brochure and one employee. Within 30 months he built a $500,000 aerospace electronics business.

James Keena started his Mac-Aire Aviation Corporation with one used Cessna 150 two-seater plane. He wanted to teach people how to fly. During his first month he logged only 20 hours of flying time. Within two years his fleet grew to 16 airplanes 10 new Cessna 150s, two new Cessna 172s, a twin-engine Cessna 310, a twin-engine Piper Apache, and two Mooneys a Master and a Mark 21. After two years he had 16 people on his payroll; a big difference from his first month when he was the pilot-instructor, mechanic, president, and secretary-all by himself. He spends only $7 a year on advertising, and his planes recently logged 1,800 flying hours in one month. This is a flying-time increase of 8,900 per cent in two years!

So ignore the merchants of doom who tell you, “It takes a million to make a million.” They are dead wrong because a person with the right idea or skill can still hit it big in this great and growing world of ours.

Jay Monroe was told not to market his Tensor lamp because people in the lighting business thought the little lamp would fail to catch on. Yet Monroe took what is called a “a crap-shooter’s gamble” and won — big.

Get Started: Market Your Ideas

Now the starting gun is about to fire. Get set to go!

Boris Said, Jr. was, as he puts it, “dead broke” when, as a 30-year-old ex-sports-car racer, he heard of 40 acres of desirable land for sale for a downpayment of $2,600. Using all his ingenuity, he rounded up $251. Borrowing the remainder, he bought the land. Within six months he made a profit of $110,000
on 36 of the 40 acres. On the other four acres he built a new home for himself. Within two years after investing that $251, Boris Said, Jr. was a millionaire.

How did he do it? The same way you will.

Boris Said Jr. believed he could subdivide his real-estate holdings so home builders could set any boundary lines they wanted — to include a brook, a tree, or favorite bushes. This was his idea. He bought the 40 acres to prove his idea. Buying the land was his start. Later he expanded his idea, buying 842 acres. His holdings became larger than the land occupied by a nearby village.

You can’t build wealth by sitting and dreaming. You must start — no matter how small your beginning.

Boris Said, Jr. started with only 40 acres-later he increased his holdings by a factor of more than 20 times.

Buy, lease, sell, market, or rent your idea, product, skill, or other commodity. If you can’t spare time away from your regular job because you need the income, work in your spare time. Get How to Build Great Real Estate Riches Quickly Using Creative Financing for many profitable ideas and techniques.

Always move forward boldly!

Start with a Few of These Books and Kits and Grow Rich Fast!

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