Jose, a taxi cab driver earning under $20,000 a year, took up the part-time activity of Finding. Jose’s hobby was studying and collecting Native American arts and crafts, so he decided this might be a logical place to start his Finder work.
Jose bought or borrowed every book and every magazine he could find on antique Indian art and artifacts. He also made lists from directories, from the Yellow Pages, and from the Internet of all the Native American art galleries, trading posts, craft shops, museums, retailers, collectors’ organizations, and private collectors he could find. He paid particular attention to those facilities that he could call or travel to without spending a ton of money.
He began to visit each site regularly, making it a point to get to know the owners, as well as their interests, their specialties and their needs. He studied the various arts and artifacts, as well as their prices, their condition, where they came from, how rare they were, and so on.
IWS-55 : The IWS Finders International Network Directory
The IWS Finders International Network Directory lists professional, international finders from around the world. Helps make contact with people who can locate funding, capital, rare real estate, collectibles, buyers & sellers of all kinds, agency & licensing deals, export/import products and more.
In less than a year, Jose started a Finder business from his Buyer and Seller Contacts and his knowledge of Native American goods. He used his understanding of the market in Native American items to approach Buyers (retailers, collectors, museums, and others), offering to find items they wanted to acquire. He got to know as many Sellers of Native American items as he could.
“I’ve been averaging around $800 [in Finder Fees] every few weeks,” Jose said. “It’s not millions, but it’s fun.”
By pocketing $15,000 – $20,000 a year from his Finder activities, Jose more than doubled his total yearly income.
And you know what?
You can do it, too . . .
K-37 : The IWS Finder’s World Business Success Kit
The IWS K-37 Finder World Business Kit is the world’s leading business kit giving you the tools and knowledge to start and grow a profitable business earning Finder Fees in an almost unlimited range of industries.