Fundraising is incredibly easy. You just call a few investors, tell them how great your idea is, and they write you a check. If your idea is really good, they don’t even ask for equity. They’re just so excited to be a part of your company they can’t wait to give you money. OK, that’s […]
Venture capital is available for a number of businesses that are developing products for large markets. You hear about some of these companies, many in the technology field, nearly every day. Did you know that grants may also be available for the same businesses? So which should you take: venture capital (VC) or a grant? To […]
The biggest challenge for real estate BWBs (Beginning Wealth Builders) is the down payment needed for their first property. So if a BWB starts with a low-cost property (say $50,000–not $5-million), it’s much easier to borrow the down payment. For instance, if you need 10% down, that’s $5,000 for the $50,000 property, but $500,000 for […]
A REIT–REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST — can be your source of money for real estate to: REITs OF ALL TYPES ARE HIGHLY POPULAR TODAY. People feel safer with REITs than they do with the stock market. Why? Because the value — namely the real estate — is always there! It doesn’t go away, like a company […]
MANY BWBS SEEK TO BORROW MORE MONEY THAN THEY NEED to take over, start, or buy real-estate ventures which interest them. Let’s see how you can do exactly this for a condo (condominium) you want to speculate on. Here’s what you do: Here’s what can happen to typical condo prices: Price at Start of Construction […]
Let’s talk about money — borrowed money or Other People’s Money (OPM). It’s a subject that always interests people because money is the fuel that drives the engine of business everywhere in this world. Without money business would stall. Often, I’ve mentioned that the loan supply is like the weather: changeable. Recently, money tightened up […]
In 1983, Warren Buffett sat down to pen his annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders. Tucked away at the back of the letter was an ad. Specifically, it was a “business wanted” ad. In it, the Oracle of Omaha outlined the type of businesses he and his partner Charlie Munger were seeking to acquire. The ad […]
MONEY YOU RAISE FROM THE PUBLIC (often called the man or woman in the street) is an investment in your business that never has to be repaid like a loan. You just work as hard as you can to make your business grow so an investor’s money grows and he/she profits. You can go public […]
It’s always a great pleasure to hear from a reader that the IW$ ways work. Just this week a young IW$ Newsletter reader called to say that he had obtained a $50,000 loan using my two-step method, namely: (1) Offer a finder’s fee, and (2) offer a cosigner’s fee to get your loan. It worked […]
Recent histories of successful wealth builders (SWBs) reveal the efficacy of 100% financing methods to acquire businesses. Examples include a group over-raising funds to buy a firm and individuals spawning lucrative ventures – from seaplane shuttle services to mail-order businesses – with minimal initial investments. Emphasizing creativity and persistence, the writer encourages starting one’s own business over traditional employment to achieve wealth and freedom.