Co-living is one of the fastest-growing trends in real estate today. It’s a strategy that allows savvy investors and entrepreneurs to generate high rental income per square foot while meeting the demand for affordable, community-driven housing. Whether you’re an experienced investor or just starting, co-living offers a low-risk, high-reward way to build wealth in real estate. Why Co-Living? The […]
When it comes to managing rental properties, too many investors fall into the trap of thinking they can handle everything themselves. They imagine they’ll save money, stay hands-on, and maintain control if they handle all the property management by themselves. The truth is, trying to manage every detail of your real estate holdings can quickly […]
In the world of real estate investing, due diligence is more than just a checklist, it’s your shield against costly mistakes and your map to uncovering hidden opportunities. Performing due diligence isn’t just about ticking off boxes—it’s about being thorough, insightful, and relentless in your pursuit of the truth about a property. This discipline separates […]
In the journey to entrepreneurial success, securing capital is often the pivotal step that determines whether a dream remains an idea or becomes a reality. Whether you’re seeking funding to acquire a thriving business, expand operations, or invest in real estate, connecting with capital sources is a skill that can set you apart. As Tyler […]
In bad times you’re king when you’re the buyer. In good times you’re still a desired person because there are usually more buyers than sellers! When you buy in bad times, you pay lowest dollar for a property. When you sell in good times, you get top dollar — making your profit large. Two readers […]
If you’re like most beginning smart money wealth builders, you have little or no capital. You’re what the bankers call “thinly financed.” So you must start small. But if you’re to become wealthy,you must grow big — fast. With the right business or job you can grow big fast. Some of the people you’ll learn […]
Here’s good news for all BWBs interested in zero-cash financing of a business. It’s the short story of a reader who, with no cash down, created the following for himself in just a few months’ time: Let’s see how this BWB did this and let’s learn from him (he learned from us!) The property this […]
This is a classic by Tyler G. Hicks from his book Magic Mind Secrets for Building Great Riches Fast. If I could, I’d like to invite every one of my readers to travel throughout the world with me on my frequent business trips. But there are so many readers, that they’d fill a whole fleet […]
“PAPER REAL ESTATE” is income property from which you earn money but which you do not own. One good way for you to make money today in “paper real estate” is to: WHAT IS IN “PAPER REAL ESTATE” FOR YOU? Plenty! Here are some of the great advantages, as we see them: HOW CAN YOU […]
MANY OF OUR READERS WANT TO GET REAL-ESTATE MONEY for either single- or multiple-family properties. We can help them find suitable lenders . . .