
The 6 Venture Capital Loans That Will Power Your Business

Let’s start with two quotes. “Ideas are such funny things; they never work unless YOU do!” “Ideas are capital that bear interest in the hands of those willing to work on them NOW!” WHAT KIND OF LOANS CAN YOU GET FROM VENTURE CAPITALISTS? It’s true that venture capitalists do indeed give loans as well as […]

Top 45 Drone Business Ideas That Can Make You Rich

Source: The Business Model Analyst / DANIEL PEREIRA The drone industry has experienced explosive growth in recent years, revolutionizing how businesses operate across numerous sectors. From capturing stunning aerial shots for real estate to conducting critical infrastructure inspections, drones have proven to be powerful tools that offer efficiency, cost savings, and unique capabilities. As technology […]

Develop Boldness and Imagination to Secure Big Money Loans

In talking to thousands of BWBs all over the world, I notice that many, many of them lack boldness and imagination when it comes to borrowing money. Now, I’m not being critical of these BWBs — just observant and helpful. Controlled and polite boldness can be one of your strongest assets when you’re seeking OPM. […]

Good Publicity Can Make Big Money for You

by Tyler G. Hicks from his IW$ classic book Smart Money Shortcuts to Becoming Rich During my consultations with ambitious men and women, I introduce them to the principles of publicity. Most of these people are amazed to learn they can get free publicity in magazines and newspapers as well as online. And when they hear […]

8 Steps to Your Fast Fortune Starting Today

by Tyler G. Hicks from his classic book Smart Money Shortcuts to Becoming Rich. You have, within yourself, all the skills needed to build & fortune quickly. If you didn’t have the interest in building a fortune in as short a time as possible, you’d be reading another book, perhaps the newest novel or detective […]

How to Borrow Assets to Get the Loans You Need

THERE ARE PROBABLY MORE PEOPLE with bad credit in this world than people with good credit. If you’re either type of person you may want to consider borrowing collateral to make your credit stronger or to reduce your interest cost (if you have a good credit score). With this asset now on your balance sheet, […]

When Are Grants Better For You Than Venture Capital?

Venture capital is available for a number of businesses that are developing products for large markets. You hear about some of these companies, many in the technology field, nearly every day. Did you know that grants may also be available for the same businesses? So which should you take: venture capital (VC) or a grant? To […]

Know What Big Money Can Do for Your Life Today

I see hundreds of people each year who’ve raised themselves from low incomes to high incomes through using my success methods. And I’ve never met one person yet who said he was sorry that he went after the big money. All have said that they thought the results were worth the effort. And if they had the chance to do it all over again, they would.