
The 6 Venture Capital Loans That Will Power Your Business

Let’s start with two quotes. “Ideas are such funny things; they never work unless YOU do!” “Ideas are capital that bear interest in the hands of those willing to work on them NOW!” WHAT KIND OF LOANS CAN YOU GET FROM VENTURE CAPITALISTS? It’s true that venture capitalists do indeed give loans as well as […]

These Secrets Get Max OPM for Your Business

A question that is often asked is, How much OPM can one get for one’s business venture? “Are you talking about a few hundred dollars, or a few thousand?” you ask. “After all, the amount can make a big difference in my business deals.” That’s a fair question, from an intelligent reader. It shows that […]

Your Might Need a Board of Directors – Here’s How to Get One

You may think that a board of directors is reserved for large corporations with shareholder investments to oversee and strategic decisions to be made. The truth is that many small businesses can benefit from a board of directors. If you structure your business as an S Corporation or a Corporation you are required by law […]

9 Venture Capital Secrets That Will Get the Money Easier

Are there ways to get venture capital that make it easier to find the money you need? Yes, there are. Here are 9 secrets to getting that venture capital money. 1. Your business must be a full corporation that issues stock to stockholders who want to own it for future growth. You can’t get venture […]

How to Create a Money-getting Pitch for Your Business

Fundraising is incredibly easy. You just call a few investors, tell them how great your idea is, and they write you a check. If your idea is really good, they don’t even ask for equity. They’re just so excited to be a part of your company they can’t wait to give you money. OK, that’s […]

When Are Grants Better For You Than Venture Capital?

Venture capital is available for a number of businesses that are developing products for large markets. You hear about some of these companies, many in the technology field, nearly every day. Did you know that grants may also be available for the same businesses? So which should you take: venture capital (VC) or a grant? To […]