IF YOU ATTEND A “GET RICH IN REAL ESTATE” SEMINAR TODAY, chances are good it will discuss:
- foreclosures and preforeclosures
- “probate properties”
- “repo homes”
- “ugly houses”
- flipping
- wholesaling
- or some variant thereof
THE NUMBER OF AVAILABLE FORECLOSURE PROPERTIES IS ON THE RISE and the popularity of buying foreclosure real estate remains high.
THE FOCUS IN FORECLOSURES is on getting early, “inside track” information on properties available for purchase. Oftentimes, this requires sifting through public records called “lis pendings” at county government offices.
WHY SPEND WEEKS PORING OVER PUBLIC RECORDS at county offices when the sources below do much of the hard work for you?
BELOW YOU’LL FIND 23 SOURCES FOR inexpensive foreclosure real estate. Most provide searchable foreclosure and preforeclosure listings by state, as well as auctions, short sales, and foreclosure how-to information.
Your Real Estate Library . . .
IWS-54 : The Leverage Code: How Smart Entrepreneurs Use Business Financing, Strategic Debt, and Other People’s Money to Build Great Wealth and Success
BB-1 : The Ultimate Tyler G. Hicks Wealth-Building Library (An IW$ Big Bundle)
IWS-205 : Tyler G. Hicks’ Wealth Creation Vault
ATTAIN : The Official International Wealth Success Companion and Guide to Wealth Building Since 1966
IWS-98 : Crowdfunding Sources and Methods
IWS-21 : The IWS Directory of 2,500 Active Real Estate Lenders
IWS-89 : The IWS Directory of Sources of Canadian Financing for Business and Real Estate
IWS-99 : The IWS Finder Fundamentals Master Guide
IWS-91 : The IWS Directory of Selected Lenders for Commercial and Residential Construction Loans in U.S. and Canada
IWS-86 : How to Make Big Money in Real Estate
IWS-204 : How To Make Sky-High Cash Profits In Today’s Rock-Bottom Low-Priced Real Estate
K-34 : The IWS Commercial Real Estate Riches Kit
WHEN YOU LOCATE THE BEST cheap foreclosure properties, you can grab and flip them for a profit before anyone else gets their hands on them. To make even higher profits, buyers and flippers may spruce up or renovate the properties before selling.
MANY FORECLOSURES ARE BANK-OWNED HOMES — residential houses that have been taken over by the bank after completing the foreclosure process. Lenders take over foreclosures to try to recoup unpaid loan money.
PREPARE AN INSPECTION CHECKLIST PRIOR TO VISITING THE PROPERTIES that interest you. Pay special attention to structures like the foundation and roof when determining each home’s condition and value. (Popular Mechanics provides a DIY Home Inspector Checklist that you can use.)
FORECLOSURE RULES VARY from one state to another. For example, states can choose to allow either judicial or non-judicial foreclosure actions. Judicial foreclosures usually take longer than non-judicial foreclosures. A state-by-state listing can be found here.
HUD Home Store
451 7th Street S.W.,
Washington, DC 20410,
(202) 708-1112
Website: www.hudhomestore.com
Nationwide foreclosure listings, including HUD Dollar Homes, single-family homes that are acquired by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) as a result of foreclosure.
Fannie Mae Home Path
3900 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016-2892
1 (800) 732-6643
Website: www.homepath.com
“HomePath.com is the Official foreclosure website owned by Fannie Mae … You can search thousands of move-in ready foreclosed properties, access handy tools and resources, and get help with the buying process.”
Bank of America Foreclosure
100 Tryon St.
Charlotte NC 2825
Website: www.foreclosures.bankofamerica.com/
“Browse foreclosure listings at the Bank of America Real Estate Center and find a property that may suit your budget and lifestyle. Bank of America also offers loans special to foreclosures in addition to mortgages for traditional properties.”
Zillow Foreclosure Center
Russell Investment Center
1301 Second Avenue, Floor 31,
Seattle, WA 98101
Website: http://www.zillow.com/foreclosures
“Get access to pre-foreclosures, foreclosure auctions and bank-owned properties in your area. Find home values and listings.”
Renwood RealtyTrac LLC
One Venture Plaza, Suite 300
Irvine CA 92618
Website: www.realtytrac.com
Provides 1.2 million foreclosure property listings and 4.2 million for sale and recently sold homes nationwide. “Your source for bank foreclosed listings … current neighborhood information, and additional research to aid you in your home buying process.
1095 Broken Sound Pkwy. NW, Suite 200
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Billing issues: 1-800-535-6945
Customer service: 561-981-5337
Website: www.foreclosure.com
Nearly 3 million listings. “Save 30 – 40% on bank-owned homes … Foreclosure.com is the first to list the newest and best foreclosure properties, which are available for drastically-reduced wholesale prices.”
12667 Alcosta Blvd., Suite 200
San Ramon, CA 94583
Website: www.bankforeclosedlistings.com
Bank Foreclosures Sale
1800 Sans Souci Blvd, 136
North Miami, FL 33181
Website: www.bankforeclosuressale.com
Tahoe Wheaton, Inc.
4112 Crestline Ave
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Toll Free: (800) 310-7730
Direct:(916) 860-1111
Fax: (916) 860-1123
Website: www.foreclosures.com
“The Only Foreclosure Site Built by Foreclosure Investors, for Foreclosure Home Investors … We are the web’s oldest, most reliable and accurate source of foreclosure properties available to real estate investors.”
National Foreclosures.com
Website: www.nationalforeclosures.com
“A leading Bank REO Asset Management & Marketing company providing up to date information on: Nationwide Pre-Foreclosure, Foreclosure & Bank REO Property Listings, Bank REO Auctions & Short Sale Listings.”
Government Repo Homes
Website: www.governmentrepohomes.com
Lists over 100,000 bank-owned foreclosure and “repo” homes that have have been repossessed by the bank after they are foreclosed.
MLS Foreclosures
Website: www.mls.com/ForeclosureListings
MLS foreclosure listings.
Foreclosure Data Online
98-19 32 Ave
East Elmhurst NY 11369
Fax: 718 732 2676
Billing inquiries only: 1-888-596-9279
Website: www.foreclosuredataonline.com
Fresh nationwide lists of over 2 million foreclosed homes, directly from banks, with pictures, details and maps.
Foreclosure Databank
19731 NE 10th place
Miami FL 33179
Billing inquiries only: 1-888-596-9279
Email: support@ccbill.com
Website: www.ForeclosureDataBank.com
Lists 1.5 million bank-owned, foreclosed and preforeclosed homes for sale. Neighborhood and school profiles. Free eBook about foreclosure investment.
5951 Encina Rd. Suite 208
Goleta, CA 93117
(800) 473-1783
Website: www.realtystore.com
Lists foreclosures, short sales, auction sales and HUD homes. “Save up to 50% on great real estate bargains.”
65 Old Solomons Island Rd
Suite 208
Annapolis MD 21401
800-880-8584 and 877-888-1673
Website: www.ushud.com
“Free Foreclosure Listings right at your fingertips … We have compiled all of the foreclosures on the market in an easy to search database. Save time and money using USHUD.com to start your search, find a foreclosure, get in contact with a licensed real estate agent and mortgage lender that can help you purchase your next property.
Website: www.hudforeclosed.com
“The #1 discount marketplace for Foreclosure Real Estate. We help you find foreclosure deals nationwide. Save up to 50% on massively discounted homes.”
Billing issues: 1 888 596 9279
Fax: 718 732 2676
Website: www.foreclosurelistings.com
Over 100,000 nationwide listings of foreclosures, preforeclosures, bank foreclosures and government foreclosures. Updated daily.
(855) 882-1314
Email: customercare@hubzu.com
Website: www.hubzu.com
Provide large nationwide foreclosure listings.
National Association of Realtors
430 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611-4087
Website: www.realtor.com/foreclosure
“Realtor.com® provides foreclosure listings for short sales and bank-owned homes that you can view right from your computer. Simply enter a location in our search bar. Realtor.com® does the rest by returning the foreclosed condos, townhomes, and single-family homes that match your criteria.”
*Links are provided for the information and convenience of readers. Author and publisher are not affiliated with listings. No endorsements are made or implied.
Remember: When you LEARN, you EARN . . .
ATTAIN : The Official International Wealth Success Companion and Guide to Wealth Building Since 1966
IWS-21 : The IWS Directory of 2,500 Active Real Estate Lenders
IWS-54 : The Leverage Code: How Smart Entrepreneurs Use Business Financing, Strategic Debt, and Other People’s Money to Build Great Wealth and Success
BB-1 : The Ultimate Tyler G. Hicks Wealth-Building Library (An IW$ Big Bundle)
IWS-77 : The IWS Hard Money Report of More Than 150 Top Hard Money Lenders
IWS-72 : How to Make Millions in Real Estate in Three Years Starting with No Cash
IWS-205 : Tyler G. Hicks’ Wealth Creation Vault
K-34 : The IWS Commercial Real Estate Riches Kit
IWS-94 : How to Acquire $1-million in Income Real Estate in One Year Using Borrowed Money
M-4 : The IWS Single-Family Home Income Property Business Plan
S-5 : 100 Ways to Make One Million Dollars Quickly in Real Estate Starting with No Cash
K-28 : The IWS Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) Business Kit
IWS-37 : The IWS Guide to How to be a Second Mortgage Loan Broker
IWS-98 : Crowdfunding Sources and Methods
IWS-99 : The IWS Finder Fundamentals Master Guide
K-12 : The IWS Complete Real Estate Loan Getters Kit
IWS-8 : The IWS 60-Day Fully Financed Fortune in Real Estate Money-Making Manual
IWS-6 : How to Borrow Your Way to Real Estate Riches Using Government Sources