YOU CAN MAKE GOOD REAL ESTATE INCOME using a LEASE OPTION on rental properties you own.
Here’s how you might do it.
Rent the property to a tenant at the going rent in the area with an option to your renter to buy the property at a stated price in a given time period. Thus, you might rent a Single-Family Home (SFH) to a tenant for $1,500 per month with a Lease Option to buy the house for $125,000 at any time for the next 5 years (or 60 months).
As part of your Lease Option you will have the tenant pay the first month’s rent, plus a Security Deposit of 3 month’s rent before moving in. This will give you a total of $6,000 (= 4 X $1,500). In some cases you’ll be able to buy the SFH at foreclosure for just a few hundred dollars. So your security deposit will more than pay your down payment on the house, plus give you some working capital.
IWS-40 : Option Wealth Opportunities: How to Make Big Money in Real Estate with Options (An IWS Speed-Read Report)
Also known as How to Make Big Money in Real Estate Even Though You Do Not Own 1 Square Foot of Land or Buildings, this valuable report shows you how to build wealth in real estate using options to control desirable properties for little cash (sometimes as low as $1). You can sell, or lease,…
TO EARN BIG MONEY WITH LEASE OPTIONS it’s usually best to have:
- A string of SFHs — say, ten or more — to ensure a steady monthly income and a phased buying schedule over several years so you can look ahead to blocks of cash coming into your bank.
- A concentration of your SFHs in an area that is easy for you, or one of your agents, to get around. This makes your whole operation easier to run and much more profitable.
- A focus on the financial aspects of your business. You get the needed down payment on each lease option deal so you have a large enough money reward from every SFH you buy.
YOU CAN USE A LEASE OPTION FOR A MULTI-FAMILY apartment building, but your market — that is, the number of people looking for Multi-Family Apartment House deals — is much smaller.
- If you’re looking for a fast start with a large market, go SFH.
- If you’re looking for a low-cost start, go to SFH now.
- If you’re looking for easy financing your lease option, go SFH.
- If you’re looking for a no-credit-check start, go SFH.
- If you’re looking for quick cash-in-hand deals, go SFH.
- Contact your local County Clerk by phone.
- Ask “Who handles SFH foreclosures in this area?”
- Get the phone number and immediately contact that group.
- Ask for their free list.
- Figure which ones you can lease option.
- Start building your wealth!
K-31 : The IWS How to Build Riches in Real Estate With Single-Family Homes Using Other People’s Money Wealth Kit
The IWS How to Build Riches in Real Estate With Single-Family Homes Using Other People’s Money Wealth Kit by the legendary Tyler G. Hicks gives you more than 1,000 lenders who want to finance Single-Family Homes, plus over 150 ways to make money in Single-Family Homes using Other People’s Money (OPM). Actual case examples show…