You're Ready Right Now to Make Money Fast
You're Ready Right Now to Make Money Fast

You’re Ready Right Now to Make Money Fast

2 minutes, 29 seconds Read

In this article, I’d like to give you a problem! The problem is this — quickly:

You — or any other BWB — wants to make money fast! What’s a good, quick way?

We’ll define the problem a little more.

You, or any other BWB, has these conditions to face:

  • Not much money to put into a business (or no money)
  • Not much time to work on the business
  • Not much experience in your own business
  • Not much sympathy at home from other folks
  • Not much hope that you can really hit it big

What would you do under these conditions?

Start to Learn ‘n’ Earn Now with One Little Step . . .

S-4 : The IWS Report of How to Earn a Fast-Fortune Guaranteed Income in a Little-Known Dollar-Rich Business


Swift ways ot make your BIG fortune ni your own business without a lot of startup cash or know-how!

SKU: S-4

The Answer

We have some answers for you that might work for you.

Here are the steps we think you might want to consider taking:

  1. Pick a fast-money type business
  2. Start your fast-money business
  3. Keep a careful eye on your progress toward money
  4. Act to correct any problems which might arise

Of these four steps, the first two are probably the hardest for most BWBs. So we’ll try to give you some help with these right here.

How to Pick a Fast-money Business

Picking a fast-money business is not easy, but here are a few which you might consider:

  • Selling drop-ship products like courses and books
  • Becoming a finder for small and large firms
  • Making mailings on good, saleable products
  • Starting a school or course in a “hot” subject (like meditation, ESP, cooking, sailing, etc.)
  • Selling items you can control quickly

One Small Step for YOU; One Giant Leap for Your Success . . .

S-9 : Tyler G. Hicks’ Mail Order/Direct Mail Fast Wealth Success Secrets, Including Building Riches in Import/Export


Some of the best secrets ever revealed for building a mail-order fortune by the man who has made millions in the last few years. You can do the same — starting with no cash!

SKU: S-9

In two of these fast-money businesses we use the word “selling.” This really should not frighten you because the type of work we’re talking about does not involve any high-pressure selling. Instead, it involves:

  • Showing prospects your line of products
  • Taking orders for these items
  • Receiving money from your customers
  • Sending a typed label to the drop-ship outfit

How to Start a Fast-money Business

To start your fast-money business, all you need is some action.

And what type of action are we talking about? Simple action like:

  • Writing a letter
  • Making a phone call
  • Sending money for letterheads, envelopes, etc.

None of these actions will tire you out or break you!

And some of them may put you into the winner’s circle in your own profitable business!

Success Can Be Yours

We’ve seen many BWBs get started on a business venture using only an idea from the mind plus a few dollars.

We believe you can do the same if you:

  • Really want your own business
  • Get “off the dime” and do something
  • Put strong desire behind your drive for money
  • Make regular checks on your progress

So what are you waiting for?

Decide what you want to do.

Then spring into action — no matter how small or insignificant it may seem — because the road to success is made one step at a time!

Your Success Starts Right Here and Right Now . . .

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