
How to Get Winning Testimonials That Will Help Your Business

by J.F. (Jim) Straw A client once wrote to me – “Dan Kennedy always emphasizes testimonials. What if you are new to the business and don’t have any?” Although Dan Kennedy is an old friend of mine and one of the finest mail-order marketers alive (second only to myself), like all of us ol’ pros, he […]

How to Obtain Business Capital Without a Credit Rating

Let’s use the worst-case principle to explore ways you can obtain capital without a credit rating. I’m not saying you find it impossible to obtain credit — we’re talking about Mr. Worst Case. He’s a guy who really needs help. All of us can learn something from his experiences. Mr. Worst Case needs what for […]

Start a Non-profit the IW$ Way Using These Simple Steps

by Jim McKinley. Jim is a retired banker with almost 30 years of experience. He created Money with Jim to share his advice and other resources on a variety of financial topics. Starting a nonprofit organization is a noble effort that requires careful planning. It also offers personal fulfillment by positively impacting society and bringing […]

The 500-Million-Dollar Man Answers 6 Important Business Questions

J.F. Jim Straw was called the “500-Million Dollar Man” because throughout the course of his amazing business career he conducted well over $500,000,000 dollars worth of business. Think about that. That’s more revenues than some countries! So when Mr. Straw stops to answer some questions, then it would behoove you to listen because the man […]

Grow a Small Manufacturing Business Quickly with Exporting

by J.F. (Jim) Straw When most small manufacturing businesses start-up, they concentrate their sales efforts on the known markets here in the U.S., defining their markets as These small manufacturers do this all the while overlooking the larger — more profitable — markets outside this country. Most small manufacturers who do investigate the possibilities of exporting […]

9 Venture Capital Secrets That Will Get the Money Easier

Are there ways to get venture capital that make it easier to find the money you need? Yes, there are. Here are 9 secrets to getting that venture capital money. 1. Your business must be a full corporation that issues stock to stockholders who want to own it for future growth. You can’t get venture […]

Veterans Looking to Build a Business Fortune Find Help with SBA

It’s no coincidence that many veterans are successful business owners. There is a lot of overlap between the traits that make a strong entrepreneur and the skills that veterans develop through their service. Veterans Matthew and Kara Rutter are prime examples. Before their service in the U.S. Army even ended, the Rutters already had their next […]