
How to Start a Real Estate Empire with No Cash Down

Here’s good news for all BWBs interested in zero-cash financing of a business. It’s the short story of a reader who, with no cash down, created the following for himself in just a few months’ time: Let’s see how this BWB did this and let’s learn from him (he learned from us!) The property this […]

Develop Boldness and Imagination to Secure Big Money Loans

In talking to thousands of BWBs all over the world, I notice that many, many of them lack boldness and imagination when it comes to borrowing money. Now, I’m not being critical of these BWBs — just observant and helpful. Controlled and polite boldness can be one of your strongest assets when you’re seeking OPM. […]

These Secrets Get Max OPM for Your Business

A question that is often asked is, How much OPM can one get for one’s business venture? “Are you talking about a few hundred dollars, or a few thousand?” you ask. “After all, the amount can make a big difference in my business deals.” That’s a fair question, from an intelligent reader. It shows that […]

Your Might Need a Board of Directors – Here’s How to Get One

You may think that a board of directors is reserved for large corporations with shareholder investments to oversee and strategic decisions to be made. The truth is that many small businesses can benefit from a board of directors. If you structure your business as an S Corporation or a Corporation you are required by law […]

4 Profitable Advantages You Will See with Long Term Debts

by Tyler G. Hicks from his IW$ classic book Smart Money Shortcuts to Becoming Rich There are two schools of thought on managing a debt: Since I started with little in life because my father died when I was twelve, I had to borrow money to make money. It wasn’t until later in life that […]

How to Obtain Business Capital Without a Credit Rating

Let’s use the worst-case principle to explore ways you can obtain capital without a credit rating. I’m not saying you find it impossible to obtain credit — we’re talking about Mr. Worst Case. He’s a guy who really needs help. All of us can learn something from his experiences. Mr. Worst Case needs what for […]

9 Venture Capital Secrets That Will Get the Money Easier

Are there ways to get venture capital that make it easier to find the money you need? Yes, there are. Here are 9 secrets to getting that venture capital money. 1. Your business must be a full corporation that issues stock to stockholders who want to own it for future growth. You can’t get venture […]

How to Borrow Assets to Get the Loans You Need

THERE ARE PROBABLY MORE PEOPLE with bad credit in this world than people with good credit. If you’re either type of person you may want to consider borrowing collateral to make your credit stronger or to reduce your interest cost (if you have a good credit score). With this asset now on your balance sheet, […]