Publicity Can Make Big Money for You
Publicity Can Make Big Money for You

Good Publicity Can Make Big Money for You

2 minutes, 19 seconds Read

by Tyler G. Hicks from his IW$ classic book Smart Money Shortcuts to Becoming Rich

During my consultations with ambitious men and women, I introduce them to the principles of publicity. Most of these people are amazed to learn they can get free publicity in magazines and newspapers as well as online.

And when they hear they may be paid for writing items that publicize their own products or activities, they can’t wait to get to a desk and start writing.

But the main purpose of publicity is to spread the word about

  • yourself,
  • your product,
  • or your organization.

So concentrate on this aspect of publicity because it will usualy bring you a greater return than the payment you receive for an article. The benefits of free publicity are greater than you could ever imagine.

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A friend of mine, Cal T., owned a laundry. He came to me and asked how he could publicize his laundry. I suggested articles in the local paper, a plant tour, backing a Little League team, a family picnic, and similar ideas. He jumped at these ideas and soon had his laundry’s name spread all over town. Business boomed!

Owners of several laundries in nearby towns heard about Cal’s success. They asked him to publicize their laundries. At first he was reluctant; then he agreed. Soon Cal was preparing publicity for laundries throughout the state. The local trade association of laundry owners recommended Cal to both prosperous and not-so-prosperous owners.

One evening about a year ago I met Cal in the theatre lobby between the acts of a new Broadway musical.

“How’s it going?” I asked.

“Great,” he said. “But I have problems.”

“Oh? What kind of problems?”

“Money problems. The income from my publicity work is now greater than from the laundry. Because of that I’m spending more time on publicity than on the laundry.”

“Why not start a public-relations agency?”

“That’s just what I’ve been thinking of doing,” Cal said.

The second act began before we could talk more.

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Cal sold his laundry and opened a public-relations agency. Today he has ten clients — and he could have one hundred if he wanted. Cal charges each client $10,000 per year and works 24 days per year — about one-half a day per week — for each client. Cal’s income is $100,000 per year and he works five days per week, with a one-month vacation.

Recently I asked Cal why he didn’t take on more clients.

“Because one-hundred grand a year is an ideal income. I couldn’t spend any more. I have a beautiful home overlooking Long Island Sound. Two brand-new Caddies sit in my driveway. And I own the sweetest forty-foot Chris-Craft a man ever saw. So why kill myself?”

Truly, the benefits of publicity can be greater than you ever imagined!

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