How to Parlay a Low-profit Idea into a Fortune
How to Parlay a Low-profit Idea into a Fortune

How to Parlay a Low-profit Idea into a Fortune

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Mort Weisinger started to write an article on items that can be obtained free of charge by the public. He planned to title the article “Land of the Free.” As he collected information for his article he began to see that he’d never have enough space to cover the hundreds of free and useful items. So he expanded his article into a book titled 1,001 Valuable Things You Can Get Free. (At the time of this writing, his book has sold more than 2 million copies.)

What did Mort Weisinger do?

He parlayed an idea with limited profits into an idea with almost unlimited profit potential. As time passes and new free products become available, Mort Weisinger will probably revise his book and publish a new edition. This will increase the sale of his book.

You probably have many profitable ideas you can parlay to wealth.

The key is this:

To parlay an idea to quick wealth, look for a way in which a small beginning can be built to a major sale.

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From Idea to Fortune

Don’t allow your good, profitable ideas to die. Put them to work. Get every dollar of profit you can from your ideas.

Then your wealth will grow quickly and steadily.

Sidney Solomons, a British dress designer, was having a pint in a London pub when a young man, Robert Benson, walked in carrying a fat, balloon-like red and white sewn-cloth head. The customers in the pub howled with laughter at the expression on the face of the stuffed head. Benson introduced the stuffed cloth head as Mac Gonk. He explained how Mac got his start. Benson sewed the head and face by hand then stuffed it with grated foam rubber.

Sidney Solomons was delighted with Mac Gonk and he borrowed the head to show his children and wife. Mac Gonk was welcomed with joy and immediately made a member of the family.

Gonk - Wikipedia

Within a short time, Mac Gonk was put to work. Gonks Ltd. was formed to market the Gonks. An entire line of stufied heads was developed for children and adults. In a year London “went Gonk,” with a whole line of products: jewelry, sweat shirts, dish cloths, dishes, knitted hats, slippers, and aprons. A Gonk cartoon strip is in the making.

Gonks are now on the American market. During their first month, 250,000 American Gonks were sold. The U. S. Gonk price is $5; the British price $8. Larger markets aro expected as new Gonks are introduced.

Thus, Robert Benson and Sidney Solomons built one idea from a small beginning into a big, major product in less than two years.

You can do the same if you stay constantly alert and if you are ready to parlay a profitable idea into a fortune.

IWS-73 : 203 Home-Based Businesses that Will Make You Rich


Have you been downsized from your job? Or do you still have ajob but you hate it? Has a business of your own been a lifelong dream? Or is an independent income—free from the control of others—your goal in life? If you answer yes to any of these questions, this book is for you. Imagine…


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