The next time you pass a well-behaved dog walking serenely on a leash, tail wagging in perfect harmony with its owner, take a moment to appreciate the silent partner in that picture-perfect moment: the dog trainer. Behind every happy canine and relieved pet parent, there’s likely a professional who taught Fido how to sit, stay, […]
by Tyler G. Hicks from his IW$ classic book Smart Money Shortcuts to Becoming Rich During my consultations with ambitious men and women, I introduce them to the principles of publicity. Most of these people are amazed to learn they can get free publicity in magazines and newspapers as well as online. And when they hear […]
by J.F. (Jim) Straw A client once wrote to me – “Dan Kennedy always emphasizes testimonials. What if you are new to the business and don’t have any?” Although Dan Kennedy is an old friend of mine and one of the finest mail-order marketers alive (second only to myself), like all of us ol’ pros, he […]
J.F. Jim Straw was called the “500-Million Dollar Man” because throughout the course of his amazing business career he conducted well over $500,000,000 dollars worth of business. Think about that. That’s more revenues than some countries! So when Mr. Straw stops to answer some questions, then it would behoove you to listen because the man […]
Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) offer extensive support to small businesses and entrepreneurs, providing free consulting, low-cost training, loan assistance, and numerous resources for business growth and competitiveness. With over 700 locations across the U.S. and its territories, SBDCs are accessible and partnered with universities and state agencies, fostering business achievements.
WHILE IMPORTING products from overseas can be more complex than exporting, you can build wealth in importing if you follow some simple rules. Here they are.