J.F. Jim Straw was called the “500-Million Dollar Man” because throughout the course of his amazing business career he conducted well over $500,000,000 dollars worth of business.
Think about that. That’s more revenues than some countries!
So when Mr. Straw stops to answer some questions, then it would behoove you to listen because the man knew what he was doing.
Here is Mr. Straw answering some important business questions. Some of the answers will surprise you because they’re not what you think they would be.
And that, my friend, is what separates the BWBs (Beginning Wealth Builders) from the AWBs (Advanced Wealth Builders) — and perhaps, especially, the folks like Mr. Straw: the SAWBs (SUPER Advanced Wealth Builders).
Let’s begin –
What are the biggest mistakes you’ve made in your career?
Mistakes? Who, me? Never! But, there was this one time . . .
All kidding aside, there are really no mistakes that I’ve made that stick-out as being the “biggest” or even the most important.
Babe Ruth was known as the “Home Run King,” but he had more strike-outs than he did home runs.
I can count my successes on my fingers.
But when it comes to mistakes, I couldn’t count them on all my fingers, toes and hairs on my chest.
The secret to real success is to make mistakes! You don’t learn anything from your success, but mistakes teach you valuable lessons — if you don’t make the same mistakes over and over again.
It’s like the one-time wonders who hit one big success, then never do it again. They couldn’t learn anything from their success, so they are locked-in to telling the story of their one big success over and over and over . . . ad nauseum.
Don’t be that person! Try. Fail. Tray again. Succeed. Get back to the plate and try something else. Fail once.
Then again.
Then succeed.
What would you say are the best offline opportunities?
Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?? Depends upon who’s looking, doesn’t it?
Look around you. There are millionaires in every field of business endeavor. There are
- millionaire garbage collectors
- millionaire bankers
- millionaire shop keepers
- millionaire day-care operators
- millionaire internet marketers
- and many more than one could list here in any reasonable amount of time.
As Albert Einstein said, “Anyone can be a genius if they pick just one specific subject and study it diligently just 15 minutes each day.”
The same holds true in business: Just pick one specific business and do it every day until you do it successfully.
Most people don’t fail, they just fail to stick with any ONE thing until they have mastered it.
What do you see as the best opportunities online at present and in the next 2 years?
Again, it’s all in the eye of the beholder.
There are very, very few opportunities that couldn’t be the “best” for someone. It is all a matter of persistence.
As Benjamin Disraeli said, “The secret to success is the constancy of purpose.”
What would be “best” for me — since I have a very high risk threshold — wouldn’t be the “best” for anyone seeking any kind of security or privacy.
To succeed in business, you must leave your comfort zone and tread into untried waters willing to take the risks.
IWS-38 : The IWS Guide to How to Start and Finance a Business that Works for You
The IWS Guide to How to Start and Finance a Business that Works for You is a Tyler G. Hicks classic that will super-jolt your brain down creative and productive avenues of money-making maneuvers you can make work for you. Whatever idea you have, The IWS Guide to How to Start and Finance a Business that Works for You shows you how, and where to get the funding you need to bring in the big money in your own new business.
Do you treat your online business as you would a brick and mortar business?
Yes. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Keep your business and your business will keep you.”
Unfortunately, all too many online business people treat their business on a catch-as-catch-can basis. They don’t establish office hours or keep with any established schedule. Worst of all, are the newsletter publishers who set a circulation date for their publication then allow almost anything to keep them from meeting their own deadlines. (Even while I was in the hospital after my heart surgery, my publications went out on schedule.)
If you are going to have a business — any kind of business — you MUST establish all the “rules” you will follow — then follow them.
In the respect of customers, there is a kind of unwritten rule that says the customer is always right. Does this apply in the online world as well?
The customer may not always be “right,” but a customer is always a customer.
Too many wannabes want to “make sales.” Those of us who succeed “make customers.” Then we do everything in our power to keep those customers. Our customers are our only real asset.
But . . .
Unfortunately, there are some customers who become a liability rather than an asset. When a customer costs more than that customer is worth to keep, it is best to drop that customer from your lists.
How important is a business plan if you don’t need to raise funding to start your business?
A business that doesn’t plan, plans to fail.
Even when financing is not required, a wise business person writes a plan — even if it is just a list of gonna-do’s.
Why? To keep track of what they are doing and what they are going to do and what results they anticipate.
Of course, the plan is subject to change at any time. As I like to say, “Man plans and God laughs.” That’s not to belittle the formulation of a strong business plan; that’s merely to bring to your attention the fact that no matter how much you plan and how many problems you anticipate, there is always something that will throw you for a loop.
And so the real point that you will realize is when you think about how bad it would’ve been if you hadn’t made that business plan.
Now go forth and build a great business. You can do it because you have everything you need to to attain your dreams. You have –
- intelligence
- gumption
- access to all the know-how and information you require
- a world full of opportunities
Now is the time and here is the place.
It’s up to you to . . . move forward boldly!
K-40 : The IWS Complete Business Plan Kit
Perhaps the most thorough and complete business plan kit on the Internet today, the IWS Business Plan Kit shows how to prepare a business plan to raise money for any business. It is complete with several examples of successful business plans.