by J.F. (Jim) Straw When most small manufacturing businesses start-up, they concentrate their sales efforts on the known markets here in the United States. Defining their markets as the known users of their products; known distributors of those products; and known (or accessible) sales areas within the U.S., overlooking the larger — more profitable — […]
I see hundreds of people each year who’ve raised themselves from low incomes to high incomes through using my success methods. And I’ve never met one person yet who said he was sorry that he went after the big money. All have said that they thought the results were worth the effort. And if they had the chance to do it all over again, they would.
Mort Weisinger started to write an article on items that can be obtained free of charge by the public. He planned to title the article “Land of the Free.” As he collected information for his article he began to see that he’d never have enough space to cover the hundreds of free and useful items. […]
by J.F. (Jim) Straw, author of Mustard Seeds, Shovels, & Mountains Believe it or don’t, I just flunked another test for “entrepreneurial” traits! From my test score, it appears I am probably better adapted to washing dishes than running a business. Then again, according to the governing laws of aerodynamics, bumble bees can’t fly either. Let me […]
So you have a good idea. Maybe it’s even a great idea. Now what? In my experience, the chances are likely that one of three things will happen. Your idea may be good. It may even be great. But without action on that idea or access to people who can make that idea happen, your idea is worthless. […]
To get your day off to a good start, I have to tell you a short story. A few weeks ago a reader wrote an email telling me how sad he was over not having any of his deals click. He was really “down in the mouth.” To cheer him up I called him and […]
A few days ago, a number of readers had lunch with me in midtown New York at an exclusive club restaurant. The chairs were plush, the service was excellent, and the food was delicious. After dessert, a few of the readers asked me about grants — those wonderful money “donations” you can get to do […]
by Tyler G. Hicks On a business flight from Europe, we had dinner in the upper cabin of a big 747 jet. During the meal the conversation turned to risks in business and how the risks can be reduced. Most of the people there — both men and women — agreed that you cannot take […]
If a taxpayer disagrees with an IRS decision, they can ask the IRS Independent Office of Appeals to review their case. This office is separate from the rest of the IRS. Appeals officers review cases that taxpayers submitted, meet with the taxpayer informally, and consider the taxpayer’s position and the IRS’s position in a fair […]
In this article, I’d like to give you a problem! The problem is this — quickly: You — or any other BWB — wants to make money fast! What’s a good, quick way? We’ll define the problem a little more. You, or any other BWB, has these conditions to face: What would you do under […]