
Go into the Leasing Business if You Want Fast Wealth

It’s always a great pleasure to hear from a reader that the IW$ ways work. Just this week a young IW$ Newsletter reader called to say that he had obtained a $50,000 loan using my two-step method, namely: (1) Offer a finder’s fee, and (2) offer a cosigner’s fee to get your loan. It worked […]

The Sweet Scent of Success: Strawberry Incense and Big Money

Beginning Wealth Builders (BWBs) make money in the most unusual ways! Like the BWB I know of who started an incense business with $25 capital, using the bathtub in his home as an experimental lab. Last year the sales of his company passed $2-million! In just eight years he went from nearly a zero-cash start […]

Talk Yourself into a Rich Mental Attitude for Wealth

Maintaining a Rich Mental Attitude (RMA) is vital for success, particularly in financial endeavors. This mindset fuels persistence despite challenges, attracts positive influences, and enhances overall well-being. It’s crucial during tough times and forms a core strategy for achieving and sustaining wealth. Thus, cultivating an RMA is essential for anyone aiming to build or increase their financial success, regardless of external conditions such as high interest rates.

Start Your Own Successful Business on O(ther) P(eople’s) M(oney)

Recent histories of successful wealth builders (SWBs) reveal the efficacy of 100% financing methods to acquire businesses. Examples include a group over-raising funds to buy a firm and individuals spawning lucrative ventures – from seaplane shuttle services to mail-order businesses – with minimal initial investments. Emphasizing creativity and persistence, the writer encourages starting one’s own business over traditional employment to achieve wealth and freedom.

Get the Money: Make Business Financing Easier With These Tips

Readers of the IW$ Newsletter and books have successfully obtained business financing, some more easily than anticipated. They share that persistence, learning from rejections, and maintaining focus were key. An organized approach, finding specialized lenders, and preparing a perfect loan application can ease and speed up the process. Continuous learning is also recommended for success.