
How to Get Winning Testimonials That Will Help Your Business

by J.F. (Jim) Straw A client once wrote to me – “Dan Kennedy always emphasizes testimonials. What if you are new to the business and don’t have any?” Although Dan Kennedy is an old friend of mine and one of the finest mail-order marketers alive (second only to myself), like all of us ol’ pros, he […]

How to Take Advantage of the Entertainment Licensing Boom

Entertainment Licensing, where a seller uses the name, image, or likeness of an entertainment personality, such as an actor, singer, children’s character (Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck) for promotion purposes, is booming today. Why is this? Because: ADD TO YOUR CART NOW . . . So how can you get in on licensing entertainment personalities to […]

A Fortune in Finding Native American Art and Collectibles

Jose, a taxi cab driver earning under $20,000 a year, took up the part-time activity of Finding. Jose’s hobby was studying and collecting Native American arts and crafts, so he decided this might be a logical place to start his Finder work. Jose bought or borrowed every book and every magazine he could find on […]

Get the Money: Make Business Financing Easier With These Tips

Readers of the IW$ Newsletter and books have successfully obtained business financing, some more easily than anticipated. They share that persistence, learning from rejections, and maintaining focus were key. An organized approach, finding specialized lenders, and preparing a perfect loan application can ease and speed up the process. Continuous learning is also recommended for success.